abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

Nah, this is the third one I’ve done and it always has asked if you’re Hispanic/Latino as a separate question, as that isn’t officially considered a race. Lots of white Hispanics, black Hispanics, Hispanic Native Americans, etc.

I’ve never been personally shamed by a doctor, but I once saw an OB/GYN who was really judgy about other patients’ weight to me and even that made me feel really uncomfortable with her. It was just a routine well woman exam and during the general physical part of it she said something along the lines of, “It’s so nice

I don’t know that the “jump to conclusions” is really that big of a problem. Even if this caller didn’t mean to be racist, her call still contributed to a system that punishes black Americans for exercising their Constitutional rights. She’s remained anonymous so there’s no defamation issue.

I’ve done a ton of political canvassing over the years, and I’ve had the police called on me several times even though I’m white. It is always in a wealthy white neighborhood with an HOA. They don’t like anyone hanging around who they don’t recognize.

I was so confused by this reply because I barely remembered this post. ;) But no, a pony is a small adult horse. There are differing definitions, but the most widely used one is an equine under 14.2 hands in height (a hand in equine measurement is 4 inches, and it is counted from the ground to the withers, which is

It’s especially rich because her first TV role was in 1962, and Jason Bateman wasn’t even born until 1969. She’s been a professional actor for longer than he’s been alive. I think she probably has some idea of what is normal behavior.

I honestly don’t understand why it’s so hard for them to just say that. I’d be happy with something as simple as, “No, it wasn’t appropriate behavior. We dealt with it and moved on, though.” Which I suspect is a fairly weak statement, because you know Jessica Walters has seen some shit in her career so for her to be

I remember after Trayvon Martin was murdered there were a lot of people spreading around his social media “tough guy” pictures to “prove” that he actually looked like a threat, and I still was just so confused because he still looked like a child to me. Kids pose like adults sometimes, but they still look like kids.

Nah, they’re a troll. Just look at their comment history. I was sucked in because they were already out of the grays but they’re obviously trying to provoke people.

So how do you eat meat and simultaneously justify your stance that skilled hunting ends in violence, then?

She was a lovely child and I hope the asshole who raped and murdered her is found guilty and rots in prison.

To be fair, this isn’t a “new gun owner” thing IME. I live in a rural area and own guns. I use them occasionally for emergency euthanasia or to chase off predators and protect my livestock, but I keep them unloaded, locked up, with ammunition stored separately. I also do enjoy target shooting and do engage in that. I

Technically, any sort of hunting or raising animals for meat ends in violence. Are you a vegetarian?

I normally am not much of a shower singer but if I’ve heard that song recently, there’s a 50/50 chance I will start belting it out, probably while pretending a hairbrush or shampoo bottle is a mic. It is definitely one of those songs and I also completely believe Lorde.

I was born and raised in New Mexico and I agree with this. Like with any place, there’s going to be a little tension with transplants and tourists, but overall I have always found people to be genuinely welcoming of most of them. It’s encouraged, even, as the entire state deals with crushing poverty regardless of your

I’m from New Mexico and I had to laugh because I always think of the white “shaman” type as a boomer for sure. I lived in Santa Fe for a few years in the ‘90s and it was full of white women in velvet blouses and broomstick skirts and so many turquoise pieces you lost count and white men with their turquoise bolos and

I wish she’d delved deeper into that as well, and I wish she’d have mentioned that even authentic Native jewelry and art isn’t necessarily ethical, depending on where you buy it from. She kind of alluded to it when talking about buying directly from the artist to cut out the middleman, but given the really long

I love this article. I was a big country fan when I was younger, but I haven’t kept up with it so I am not familiar with her, though listening to a few of her songs has made me love her. I love your depiction of country music. When I think of those old songs, I think of it being piped into the show barn at the State

I’ll throw in another recommendation for them. I don’t swim much, but I live in a high-altitude desert and spend a lot of time outdoors. I wear sunscreen religiously but I can’t ever remember to reapply it often enough so I get burned. Wide-brimmed hats (obviously a little less practical when swimming!) and

I’m glad you shared this because I did not know this! I don’t live near the ocean and tend to prefer staying on dry land anyway for most of my trips, but my mother and I have been talking about taking a beach vacation in the next couple of years so it’s good for me to know this.