abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

“My constituents will not like this and will vote me out of office if I do this” as a motive for an elected official in a representative democracy is ... fine?

The more things change, they more they stay the same... I feel like I lived through this exact controversy 15 years ago.

What’s more fluid than gender? Age.”

What’s more fluid than gender? Age.”

As a reminder.

The test isn’t - and never has been - a useful tool for measuring any particular film. Good films can fail (if the Vagina Monologues was a film, it’d fail), terrible films can pass (literal porn films can pass).

The utility of the test is in the aggregate. It sets an incredibly low bar, one that is trivially easy step

Republicans are transphobic bigots spearheading an increasingly genocidal persecution of trans and queer people. They would have found something to manufacture outrage about from this event no matter what happened or who attended in their desperate attempt to gin up rage from their miserably hateful and increasingly

We’re not accepting a word of criticism from those morons at the National Review until they “condemn” the behavior of the January 6th assholes. Imagine thinking that a few folks dancing is more deplorable than the Even Dumber Beer Hall Putsch. 

I agree it’s absurd that claiming you ‘stood your ground’ delays your arrest. However, the Idaho murderer (Brian K-whatever) has changed my opinion on this somewhat. The Idaho police looked utterly incompetent as days and weeks went by without an arrest. They did this on purpose though, because they knew they had

And all we had to do was vote in 2016.

It’s also important to repeatedly drive home that the (2nd?) richest man in the world is petty, impulsive, immature, petulant, and not all that smart.

Irrational fearfulness is how people get shot on doorsteps after ringing the wrong bell.

Idiocracy is eugenicist crap

I mean, it was definitely an “Oh damn!” moment, but as far as everyone talking about normalizing violence, I think the Grammys’ roster of people with credible abuse allegations does a lot more for that. I guess we’re not directly seeing that violence, so it doesn’t bother people as much to reward it.

I do understand that, but all the same: please, for the love of god, why does this culture not understand proportionate response? This deserves a bit of tsking and a mention on the yearly retrospective, not weeks of thinkpieces and people acting like it was some kind of horror show.

Probably because we're also not members of the academy.

States trying to make women bury fetuses after an abortion = good!

Exactly. This is why I’m always dubious of folks who say things like “my father used to beat my mother, but he was a great dad to me.” People are, of course, entitled to their own feelings. But it’s still abuse to witness such things on a regular basis. My ex punched a wall once when he was angry with me. I never got

Jezebel’s leading misogynist here to share his entirely unnecessary thoughts. (Also, definitely never heard men systematically complain about women’s dating behavior!  And also, I’m sure none of these women have been called an insulting name from this!).

But if you’re going to, you’d think he’d be the one facing the most scrutiny, no? But of course he isn’t, even the feminists are saving all their meanness for the girl they already didn’t like for nebulous reasons. And here I am like an idiot forced to defend Munn, a woman I’ve seen a few times on The Newsroom.