abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

There was a lot of interesting stuff peripheral to the deaths for the ones in the submersible, too. I’ve been following this story, not because I particularly care about the fates of a handful of billionaires who chose to go on a high-risk vacation, but because I find the logistics of searching in those conditions to

I have worked with police on a few murder cases, and I think this is a lot more common than people realize. I am not a cop, for the record; I have a cadaver dog that I primarily use for wilderness searches (so mostly accident or suicide victims), but occasionally I have been asked to assist on criminal cases.


I know I’m really late to this, but I think the glove thing can be easily explained by the director just making a visual choice. I’m only a casual baseball fan, but I am a professional horse trainer, and I see stuff like that all the time in even generally realistic equestrian movies. Lots of stuff that would never

FWIW, I live in bear country and I kind of agree with you, I think (it’s really hard to follow these threads and I’m not sure what you originally said).

Must have been an unusual bear you ran into. I’ve been around dozens, maybe hundreds of bears and never been all that concerned they’d attack me. I mean, you have to be careful with them. I’ve seen the aftermath of bear attacks (including getting to carry out someone killed by one), but they’re not like the dinosaurs

Yeah, I’m an active Christian (Episcopalian now, raised Presbyterian and Catholic, went to a lot of different churches in the interim), and I’ve always understood “non-denominational” to mean evangelical. I’ve literally never come across a non-denominational church that wasn’t.

Yeah, that’s kind of the whole point of the movie. Plus I’ll add, I don’t think she’s portrayed as entirely selfless. I mean, she lies and schemes and flees from the cops to protect herself. She also had no idea she could possibly get the inheritance, which makes it easy to care for someone with no ulterior motives.

Thank you for this. I am not Catholic and was not raised Catholic, though the majority of my extended family is, and I live in a majority Catholic community.

I’d hazard a guess that the UK’s history of colonizing lands occupied primarily by darker-skinned peoples may play a role as well.

This was heartbreaking to watch. My thoughts are with Judge Salas and her family.

Raffi’s pretty awesome. He’s been involved with anti-racist action for a long time, is a big environmentalist, and is very active in advocacy for the protection of children. The reason you don’t hear his songs in commercials and all that is because he’s actively refused any kind of commercial licensing as he believes

Thank you! I don’t know why everyone spells it “shepard” nowadays. They herd sheep, thus they are shepherds.

I feel the same way about him. When I see a still photo of him, my reaction ranges from “meh” to finding him actually kind of unattractive (though the unattractive bit is usually when he’s making a crazy face, like that Jessica Jones still used in the article). Yet somehow on video, whether he’s doing an interview or

I’ve been online since the early ‘90s, and I have to agree. It’s gotten a lot more sophisticated now, just like access has gotten easier, but conspiracy theories and sex predators and most of the other things I see people complain about have been around from early on. The ubiquity of social media has certainly shared

Ok, I can’t really tell if you’re joking or not, but the FDA doesn’t differentiate between “food” and “product.” Foods are actually called “food products” by the FDA. The major differentiation is between foods and drugs (some of the latter contain food products).

I train detection dogs, and I’m not surprised. The stuff they can detect is amazing. Some little-known uses of detection dogs include sniffing out hidden electronics (including small ones like thumb drives), sniffing out the disease that causes colony collapse in beehives, finding cancer, and of course working as

Most cops who die on the job are also killed in traffic accidents, not by being shot.

They all try that defense (well, not specifically Covid, but the “we totally fired them for other reasons!”), but that’s why we have the discovery phase.

No, that’s not what “right to work” means, nor how “at will” employment works. “Right to work” is an umbrella term for certain types of policies aimed at reducing the strength of unions (basically, you can’t be required to join a union in a unionized shop).