abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

Yeah, we all have our blind spots. The amount of grown-ass adults who I’ve had to explain that a pony isn’t a baby horse to (people ride them, and they pull carts! why would we put baby horses to work?) is a repeated one in my life. It’s blindingly obvious to me, but I grew up around horses so I have to remind myself

I was always taught that you never just stick a gun in a pocket, no matter where it’s located, but yeah, placing a gun in an area where there’s a lot of movement and flexing like your abdomen is especially dangerous unless you’re wearing a proper holster. Not all guns have safeties and people are also really bad about

Thank you! And ugh, that is disturbing.

What does that say? I can’t get the picture to display big enough on my screen to read it.

I agree completely with this. It really doesn’t matter that Stephon was not breaking into cars. Even if he was, it’s fucking ridiculous to think that execution is an appropriate response for that. I mean, most of the people who break into cars are stupid kids or unarmed addicts looking for things to sell to make a

I know nothing about fanfiction and only slightly more about Star Trek, but I gotta admit my mind immediately went to the famous “live long and prosper” hand gesture in the brief moment I spent wondering what Spock’s dick would look like if it wasn’t humanoid.

Have you ever actually lived in a place like that? I’m curious, because I have and I totally get it. Not Chinle itself, but a similar small town in that region. And I have a lot of hobbies. I write, I read, I love birdwatching and nature watching, I train dogs, I hike, I used to run marathons before I got old and my

I agree completely. I found that line in this article a bit off-putting, and I say this as someone in the base that wants the party as a whole to move away from conservative Democrats. I want the national leadership and individual candidates who live in areas that are liberal enough to get away with it to stop

This is really what it comes down to for me. When you own an animal, you’re ultimately responsible for its safety. This isn’t like she entrusted her dog to the crew and they were the ones who put it in a dangerous spot without her knowledge; that would be all on them. But any reasonable adult should know that a

I just rewatched the first season in anticipation of the new season and for the first 4-5 episodes I was wondering why I liked it so much. Then the last half totally hooked me. A few things in this review made me suspect the second season is the same, like the author’s confusion about the villain, and the messy

Good lord. I have to admit I just finally got around to watching it last month (I almost never go see movies in theaters because the only one close to me is a second-run place that smells bad, and then I just never got around to it even though I have no excuse since I have an HBOGo subscription and it’s been on there

I’ve worked with so many I barely even notice them anymore. If anything, they tend to be too dumb and silly for me. I like dogs that make you work a little harder. ;) I do wish the “nanny dog” myth would die, though. A lot of pit mixes are basically Labradors in a pit body, but the fact is that pits *were* bred for

I see two major problems with that. The first is that I don’t think you’re realistically ever going to get everyone on board with just cloning dogs. There’s a huge culture around showing and breeding dogs, and even with pure companion breeds there is a lot of passion there. Personally, I don’t really get the appeal of

Yeah, I’d never clone a pet myself but I kind of don’t care about this. I’m generally against cloning dogs, but that’s really only because I’m worried about how it might exacerbate the lack of genetic diversity in a lot of breeds, which is already a big enough problem just with more conventional breeding practices. If

I’ve known a few people who got out of legitimate DUIs thanks to their lawyers, too. One guy had his dismissed entirely due to procedural issues, the other two were able to plead down to much less serious charges. Having a DUI on your record can impact everything from your ability to find work to your ability to

I have to agree. I used to do historical reenactment and I knew a lot about my very narrow focus, and probably quite a bit more than average about some overlapping topics, but even in official demonstrations people often asked questions I couldn’t answer during our Q and A sessions after each demo. I don’t doubt that

This made me smile a bit. I would love to live in a world where the worst thing kids had to complain about was cutting their own sandwiches. ;)

I’m not much of a fan generally, just kind of neutral, but I have so much respect for how she’s handled this and will always love her for it. So I guess I am a fan.

I think part of it is that when you see such tremendous abuse normalized, you think more mild abuse is okay by comparison. I liken it to using corporal punishment on kids, because I’ve known a lot of parents who justify spanking their kids because, well, they were beaten with belts or had to cut their own switches