abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

I watched Jurassic World with a friend I met through dog training and the first time he clicked as a reward (I guess?) rather than a marker we both audibly groaned.

I train detection dogs so I’ve worked with police and have enough training on crime scene preservation to know a bit, and I am in the same boat. I like CSI, Bones, and Criminal Minds, which are also probably three of the most unrealistic shows on TV when it comes to criminal investigations. But the errors are going to

And I mean, he unquestionably *does* have a pattern of targeting very young girls in his family, since he fucking married Soon-Yi. People can call it consensual all they want, but it’s still incredibly inappropriate sexual behavior that would not be an issue with a man who has healthy boundaries and attitudes.

You’re a little wrong here, too. Emotional support animals aren’t allowed in businesses, so your doctors’ letters to that effect won’t do much. Only service dogs (which are trained to perform specific tasks to mitigate the disability) are given public access rights under the ADA, and they don’t need any documentation

If the dogs are trained to do specific behaviors or tasks to assist with a disability, they’re not probably not emotional support animals. They’re service animals.

I agree with your general point so this might be quibbling, but I remember Donna always being the nicest person to Jerry in Parks and Rec. She was kind of standoffish and could be mean to everyone (there’s a whole episode about her tweeting about Leslie in a negative way, after all, as well as a couple of episodes

They are, and it’s bullshit. I used to live about 75 miles from the Mexican border and routinely had to go through a border control checkpoint just to run normal errands, as it was located on the highway between my rural home and the nearest town. There have been some people who have challenged those checkpoints and

Mercurial or not, that’s always been my policy. I’ve traveled to see some acts I really loved, but I always planned it so that I’d have a great time on the trip regardless. My sister and I drove 3 days each way to see a concert by our favorite band once, and they did actually play so that was great, but the main point

That may be true in some states, but not all of them. Many states have systems in place to transition juveniles with longer sentences into adult prisons after they reach adulthood (16, 18, or 21 depending on the state, when it comes to whether they’re incarcerated in a juvenile or adult facility), where they will

I live at about 7500 feet above sea level, which I know affects some cooking but I’m not sure how it might affect pressure cooking, so my experience may not be universal. But I donated my InstaPot after about a year because I just found it overly complicated and annoying. I’m also not exactly a great chef, but I can

Yes, absolutely! Thank you for pointing that out. I’ve never come across a shelter that has enough volunteers. And one of the biggest needs at most organizations is literally just playing with dogs and cats—they need exercise and socialization both for their own health and to keep them calm and adoptable.

Not only that, but I haven’t met too many people who are on the ground rescuing animals in their communities who have a very high opinion of the HSUS. They’re kind of notorious for swooping in for the photo ops and then leaving with a lot of work to be done, which diverts the attention (and donations) from local

Oh, that makes even more sense! I hadn’t heard that theory before. Thanks for sharing it.

I agree. I think it’s possible that he pushed her over during a drunken fight, but the accidental drowning explanation makes total sense. The biggest explanation I see against it is that she was scared of the water so she’d supposedly never go out alone in the dinghy, but I know I’ve done some stupid, dangerous things

science says we all actually change how events played out in our minds as time goes on

Sorry, I misunderstood what kind you were talking about. I was thinking you meant the “certifications” where you just fill out a questionnaire online and it’s all automated. Those scammy therapists are absolutely horrible and you’re right, those ones do count. I don’t know how they sleep at night.

This is actually incorrect, in addition to being immoral (on the people suggesting that you do it’s part, not yours). For one thing, ESAs have no public access rights aside from airlines. You have no right to take an ESA into a restaurant, store, etc. unless the owner/manager decides to allow it. ESAs only have access

Psychiatric service dogs always “count” as service dogs, at least in the US. The ADA’s definition of a service animal is just a dog that has been trained to perform at least one task to alleviate its handler’s disability. If a dog is trained to assist with its handler’s PTSD, it’s a service dog and thus protected

Yeah, my first thought was that this woman is lucky that she’s in Albuquerque, because New Mexico jumped on the Medicaid expansion (NM already had a “state coverage initiative” in place that was a state-level subsidized healthcare program, but it’s a poor state and funding was really limited so at the time the ACA was

Those policies are illegal in the US and the NLRB has and will go after companies that attempt to enforce them if employees report it. Obviously it still isn’t without risk to discuss salaries in that kind of environment, but employees have more rights here than most people realize.