abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

No problem, it’s an easy mistake to make. Dante definitely popularized it!

I want to preface this by saying that I’m a bisexual woman happily married to another woman, so I’m not agreeing with these views. I’m also Christian, though (although I go to a liberal, LGBT-affirming church), so I do sort of see where they’re coming from with that.

Hey now, even most Protestants acknowledge that it was written by men. Biblical literalists are a very small percentage!

You’ve got that a bit backwards. Dante wasn’t even alive until the tail end of the Middle Ages (the Dark Ages is generally considered to be kind of in the middle there, around the 10th century IIRC), and he based his Inferno on church teachings at the time. The roots for the fire and brimstone version of Hell

I’m not bothered by people who like it generally, as we all have different tolerance levels. My sister enjoys the show, and she’s way more radical than I am when it comes to feminism. But, you know, she acknowledges that the way the show handles sexual assault and exploitation is really problematic. And I can

I couldn’t get past the first episode with Daenerys being raped. In the book, I remember Drogo explicitly asking her for consent even though they don’t even speak the same language at that point, and her clearly giving it. It’s still not exactly a good thing, as she was forced to marry him and is very young, but I

Somehow I never realized that Woody Allen was in that. So now I guess there are two Woody Allen movies that I kind of enjoyed (I liked Midnight in Paris, too), though neither were that great. Midnight in Paris I mostly liked because I like Owen Wilson and am a big book nerd so the premise was very fun. Though it still

Well, most of the at-home programs I can think of are internet-based or require a good phone connection, and I know in my area, it’s pretty rare for low-income people to have internet in their homes, and they often have very limited subsidized mobile phone plans (and shit reception out here). A lot of them can’t even

is it because it’s still hard to get a conviction (which boggles the mind of a plebe like me)?

Yeah, I love our national parks and spend a ton of time in them, and I am not outraged about this. There’s been a commercial presence in our parks for as long as I’ve been alive. The Park Service doesn’t have the resources to run its own concessions, so it contracts out. And it does benefit from those concessions

Yes, you can be fined for leaving trash (or anything else) behind, and in my experience rangers tend to come down pretty hard on it. Our national parks are supposed to be left in the condition you found them in—you can also be fined for removing natural resources, even if it’s just a couple of wildflowers you picked

Yeah, I’m not a fan of Gilbert’s, but selfishness is a pretty normal response to grief. You hurt so much that it’s hard to see beyond that pain. Her statement on that post at least seems pretty normal and inoffensive to me.

I agree with some of your criticisms, but I have to point out that memories aren’t legally required to be shared with the insurance companies. She was lying to try to get the murderer lady to cooperate with her, which is revealed when the murderer accesses her memory to see who she told and sees her tell her husband

It’s because not all horses know how to neck rein. Every horse starts out with direct reining, although the goal with western horses is typically to transition them to neck reining. But some people just don’t know how or care to teach it if they’re just casual riders.

I could see that, but to me it didn’t really come across as a shaggy dog story. It was a story that to me really captured that sort of surreal, atmospheric horror without any explanation and often without any real resolution that was what drew me in to the show, and while it did reference an earlier show I didn’t

It’s funny you said that because I had kind of the same revelation about my attitude towards WtNV as I was writing that comment. I would describe myself as a casual fan who mostly just listens to it because it’s going to come up occasionally when I’m with those friends, but then I went and rattled a bunch of episodes

I sort of lost interest for awhile for the same reason, but I stuck with it because I listen to it with some friends so I had social pressure to keep up on it. Anyway, I think they’ve actually kind of hit their stride again in recent months. There have been a lot of one-off creepy episodes like they used to do early

That would be amazing. I understand why they don’t do it since audiences are used to the reptile-like dinos, but I’d love to see it.

Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I’ll always show up to watch people get chased by dinosaurs. I’ve enjoyed every single Jurassic Park movie. Are any of the sequels even half as good as the first one? No. Are they dumb fun that are really enjoyable to watch even though they’re completely ridiculous? They are for me.

I am intensely nosy and like to sit on the top deck of the bus and look straight into the living rooms of morons who don’t close their blinds.