
It’s not necessarily that they found a faster way to do something. This isn’t a crazy technology we’re talking about here. It’s refueling. I’m sure the other teams know how to refuel faster, but they follow the rules. I’m not sure there’s irony in cheating to be faster.

Yea, depends how much he lost. My right arm ends just below the elbow, so I designed this

Was there, can confirm amazing. The Mazdas didn’t win, but we will have our day...

Your not going to give @streetspeed717 the credit he deserves for putting his car up there? Maybe a link to his YouTube channel? That’s literally how he makes his money and sharing the car is what he does.

I will be driving that next week! Jalopnik Review coming shortly after.

The difference between women race car drivers and race car drivers who are women:

There is a lady at my local track who races open and closed wheel. She’s in her late 60's. The first time I met her, I asked why she raced and she said and I quote “Because I’m bad at knitting”.

Ash78's Summer of Hell is Here

just copy and resize the F-16 canopy and be done with it.

Those neighbors are awfully righteous for people whose fences are made out of dildos.


So you do Crossfit and herbal enemas. Got it.

Will you and Mr. Regular just get married already?

Jesus Christ. This woman is doing it right. Driving the car for what it’s intended. Marketing the fuck out of both it and herself. AND improving her skills in a driver’s car.

Yeah, so I haven’t been watching the Finals because my hate for the Penguins is unwavering...but I just watched that clip from Game 1. Um, how in the hell did they did they conclusively determine that was offsides?!?

Fuck Pittsburgh

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

The only time I see his speedometer, it says 55 mph.