
Hard pass.

Jackie O Assis.

Trump would just pardon them. They were only doing their jobs.

Does anyone still doubt this is Old Testament timeline?

It’s the “Oh yeah, well Obama...” defense.

You’d think all the money Texas saves by banning abortions, keep transsexuals out of bathrooms, and making sure you can walk into TGIFridays with you AR-15, they would have enough money to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

It’s funny, but I just did the same thing. It keeps the water out of your face and keeps your phone dry.

and then returned to the outrageous “rule of law” argument.

He was defacing property with the intent to blame BLM supporters for defacing/destruction of property.

I think it would be important to see who is calling this cartoon racist.

Are you a crystal?

I’m sorry about your bad private plane experience, KH.

Of course not, they’d say it in French: baseball de football

Now playing

Thanks for the’s like he’s frozen midway through a truly unsettling inhuman laugh...

What in the shitting horror is that?

So who wanted this, aside from Trump’s base and a few hyper-conservative House members?

Dear MVP,

Katy Perry is a cartoon who wants to be taken seriously as an artist, but she has nothing of substance to say and her art always comes across as insincere and contrived and often juvenile. This video is dumb and childish. It seems like her intellectual and emotional growth is stunted, and every few years she tries on

Looks like someone’s about to get a presidential pardon!

Can we all just agree that, artistically, these statues and memorials are far superior to say, Nathan Bedford Forrest riding his unicorn?