
The awful color scheme of those teal on sky blue away unis are an embarrassing distraction- let’s go with that.

Give it a rest, Staten Island

Is that Michelle Malkin? I’m not pressing play; I’ll take your word for it. Carry on.

Let’s see: openly gay mayor that one time, democrat city hall, and Hillary took Harris County so, yeah- wrath of God type stuff fer sure.

And you’re inside your house!

Now playing

Did someone try to slip her some margarine instead of butter?

KXII noted that Alsbrook was once charged with attempted murder, but the charge was later dropped.

Not that it was ever logical or consistent in the first place, but Montenegros argument really breaks down in the last minute: “...where was your outrage when Obama was pardoning terrorists? ...the left cheers when a man wants a sex change...” He faded faster than an Irishman pretending to be a boxer

Swish swish, bish.

It’s no Werner Herzog- Klaus Kinski-Cain-and-Abel-mutual-murder type shenanigans, but I’ll allow it.

Here’s the QB

Idk, this one’s pretty compelling

Let’s declare victory and go home, tovarisch!

They should be more worried about Amazon, or Boston Dynamics!

Are you saying he was a better color guy? Because, you know, irony...

Ya left out defending Confederate statues!