
Listen to that rhythmic clap-clap-clapping sound of the crowd going wild!

Now he can settle down and start a family!


That is one sexy crucifix!

Really inclusive invective, hard to do!

Am I rooting for 10 more women coming forward by election day, or praying there are no more for everyone’s sake?

His concession speech will be the announcement of his new UKIP/Putin/knownothing Channel T headed up by Ailes & Bannon

Well that should put to bed any malingering cultures of passive aggressive homo erotic hazing- problemo solved-o!!

This whole comment section is rigged- RIGGED, I tell you!

“It’s a molesseract, ha-ha-ha” –Madeline L’Engle somewhere else wait is she dead

Even Don Lemon’s had enough of this shit! Almost 26 Days And A Wake Up

Right? And I’m not even into dudes! (It would have to be really and I mean really good)

Moar like the Mile Lie Club amirite!

Wow it’s the ol’ compound interest of lechery! The bankruptcy’s moral this time!

I’d keep my guard up and eschew the inebriants if you know what I’m sayin! Just like the self-professed teetotaling defendant. He was allegedly sober during all these encounters- imagine!

Her face is so expressive though, it’ll be obvious when she’s had enough!

I’ve been to Peter Luger- it’s got a history, but it’s not that good!

I forget- how many victims in a full Cosby of accosted women? 8? 51? Collective nouns are so arcane!


That would explain this!