
And like the good yes-men he’s been surrounded by for a lifetime, they obliged! Good ol’ Wharton S.O.B.

Hey hey, Trump’s oppo team forgot to vet the candidate himself! Lol you can’t make this shit up- what a country!

This whole comment section is just bursting with so many delicious sounding Pinterest worthy racist-candybar-cupcake recipes I’m getting a toothache!

Worst make-a-wish foundation ever!

It’s s’posed to be “half your age plus 7", not “half your age minus 4" Seanny-baby!

Welp- cross that guy off the cool guy list. Too bad- he was great in Ant-Man. Oh well. (God I love being an SP!)

That’s a real boot to the head! Fully bequeathed eh?

There is as much dignity in death as there is life if you make good choices!

Or maybe he has people to feed, and just wanted to keep his job. Could go either way.

In Nevada they call that pahn•dering!

He does look like that guy who walks up and down a midtown street at 4:30 in the morning, looking to see who left their car door unlocked.

...licking...assholes...Don’t stop now, Sigmund!

They care more about your listening skillz homie!

Everyone has their price! Go get ‘em tiger

Tell me it’s a proctologist’s office!

Well those people are idiots.

Down 21 in the 3rd against Atlanta, I’m sure Newton would rather be watching this.

That last paragraph is a triple Lindy of self canceling hot garbage, and anyone that starred it is a moron!

There sure are a lot of Carolinas.

The obvious comeback is “Ha ha nice pajamas old man”. Weak sauce, OP