Vorpal trolling. Consider yourself snicker snacked. Make with the galumphing, now. Go on- Git!
Vorpal trolling. Consider yourself snicker snacked. Make with the galumphing, now. Go on- Git!
If the French think a woman’s body should be on display at the beach, then why is Lady Liberty such a frump? Hmm? Haanh? Haaanh?!
If you’re actually a broad, I’ll eat this 6+ I'm typing on.
Featured: Senator Kaine’s favorite Star Wars scene
Trump’s gotta have better black friends than Ben Carson and Omarosa right? I mean, those two
Get some magic underwear on that Cougar STAT
Sportsball is confuzzlin’!
¡Es poco chapulin escondido en su pelo!
Thanks, Onan
Seems like just yesterday. So sad- I mean, how dafuq did George of the Jungle 2 get greenlighted?
Oingo Boingo levels of corn.
Rhetorical cleftstick achieved!
Hm. Now- should Thor wear a shirt or nah
Here you go bitch
Pretty sure both Clintons have publicly regretted the bi-partisan bill from over 20 years ago. Delve into this complex issue by searching “94 crime bill endorsements” and follow the links. I have taught you to fish, the rest is up to you.
That subtlety, nuance, and irony aren't for everyone?
Well there goes big government, being all thorough and shit.
“Schrödinger’s inbox”
Yowza! I’m beginning to think building that wall’s not such a good idea.