
I’m just impressed they have time to run Trump’s campaign as well.

Nobody cares nerd

Medic! Get this one to triage STAT!

The Gawker murder-suicide will drive us all to the very brink!

I'm sure it will all make sense in his 3rd addendumb.

“It was an investment. Not just the hotel but the game ticket and I had to get my kids taken care of. I had to drive here,” Griswold told ESPN.

You’re a better man than I am, Paul Chelimo.

Huh. Where’s Chelimo from- like, Bakersfield? Fresno?

Sorry ‘bout that Brazil!

My wrists are extremely supple.

Just popping by to remind everyone that brevity is the soul of wit. Carry on!

It's also a roll-on deodorant.

That was pretty good when it aired the first time, but I felt like I wanted to watch it again an hour later.

Now playing

¿How about a West Coast primer tambien?

“Are you going to finish that?” —Marco Rubio

Wow how thirsty are those class reunions. There’s some content I’d consume.

An old chef I used to work for would say after giving instruction or admonishment: ¿Tu mi entiendes, Mendez? ¿O te explico, Frederico?

Sox fan you say.

If he hangs it up now, maybe he'll keep his marbles.

Wow Gibson was pushing 60 when that child was born. That's some old ass essence to bestow; is she ok?