a bat with thumbs

I left the Academy shortly before my third year after I was assaulted aboard a ship and the school refused to investigate my allegations. I remember standing in front of one of the administrators pleading them to at least never send another woman to that ship. They wouldn’t even do that much.

I’ve mentioned it in the past, but I attended a United States federal military academy. It’s amazing how much gets normalized in small group cultures. Sexual assault as a prank or a form of camaraderie is very common.

Holy shit. I knew those agencies were out of control, but I thought they reserved their abuses for people passing across the border. I’m surprised that they treat each other like that. (not that abusing immigrants, citizens, and travelers is acceptable, just that it’s more expected)

I had the same thing happened when I was sexually harassed. I shared what happened in confidence with a supervisor in another department, and she immediately informed me she had to report it to my supervisor, which I guess nothing to be done, it’s the policy, but it made me feel like the process was totally out of my

Fuck the Howard Administration. Any school that purposely ignores assault cases deserves what they get. Hopefully, what they get is a decline in enrollment.

I too am from the great land of cheese and lumber... and I gotta say, your nurse friend is maybe a teensy bit lacking in compassion and perspective... Not a whole helluva lot of people are actually unhealthy “by choice”, even smokers (ever hear of addiction?), even, *gasp* “fat” people. I, just to pull an example out

I complained about pain and fatigue for over a decade but didn’t get my fibromyalgia diagnosis until I lost weight. Symptoms that can be explained away by fatness like irregular periods, joint pain, trouble breathing, depression, skin infection, or fatigue aren’t truly investigated until the patient looses weight.

This is true. And also, it shouldn’t matter if your disease is your “fault”. Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege dammit. Never mind that of course rich people can go on making whatever choices they want in the knowledge that care will be available if you can pay for it. Personal responsibility is for the

Republican solutions to all problems:

Shit like this is why I reject the idea that fiscal conservatism is somehow more morally palatable than social conservatism. It’s all linked. When fiscal conservatism means slashing social services, it means acting against poor people and women & minorities in particular.

Or, you know, get old.

So many of my comments in real life and here and elsewhere on the web boil down to “Jesus, look at this fucking asshole right here”, and I mean to one day change that and cleanse myself of this all-consuming hatred, but Jesus, look at this asshole right here.

You can live a healthy life and still get cancer. Or MS or ALS, or several other diseases. Or, you know, get in a car accident.

Your friend was ‘educated ‘ only to be a wife and brood mare of a ‘Christianist’ overlord. I cannot imagine how difficult it was for her to break free and develop her own life

They’re against abortion. Until you’re born. Then, they’ll abort the fuck out of you.

I hate these useless people. Contraception saves lives. Women who have access to affordable contraception and are able to plan when and if they want to conceive are healthier. And spacing out pregnancies is good for women and babies.

Well, ideally we shame the girls into letting us sell the babies to rich white people while secretly murdering or just burying in a mass grave stillborn, genetic defects and the half-caste.

I get the feeling they want these unwanted children to happen (mostly to minority and poor women) because in order to have a servant class, it has to be desperate enough to not demand equal treatment. I see so many people working at Walmart who look like they’re dying inside, and the ones who have it the worst are the

So let’s get this straight...

“The prospect that contraception would always prevent the conception of a child is preposterous.”