a bat with thumbs

We should all be able to express ourselves when confronted with evil. Whether the gym kicks him out or not is probably going to do with their bottom line, perhaps their ethics, but if somebody is going to be part of the “deplorable” problem we have in this country today, they should be called out loudly and often.

I see what you are about. You think that it was the left and people of color who have emboldened the resurgence of White Hate. Good for you.

I don’t know. She didn’t assault him, she just exercised her right to tell him she found his views repugnant.

I can see your point, but respectfully disagree for two reasons.

Nazis perceive progressives as ‘weak’. And so many of them feel emboldened right now to graffiti places, torch mosques, snatch headwear, cut in line, etc.

This guy needs to live with the consequences of being a vile, racist asshole. Shunning him from public spaces is just the start. Racism is not a valid opinion, and we can not and will not let it become one again. These people used to do this shit in obscurity until their orange ubermensch opened the door. They need to

I get where you are coming from, in a way. However treating our White Hate terrorism problem quietly is what got us to the current situation. It’s what has led to the voter suppression that has essentially just been accepted. It is what has led media outlets to focus on This White Hate assholes haircut and wardrobe

No. In a country that recognizes the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, social ostracism (including boycotts) is our main tool to enforce human decency.

Yes, this! No safe spaces for Nazis! Period. This should be the modus operandi for all decent humans. The people they persecute and terrorize do not have the luxury of “just minding their own business in a public space” when these douchcanoes are involved. So neither should they.

Yes, the first amendment allows Richard Spencer to say hateful things. The first amendment also allows this woman to yell at him, and it allows a company to decide whether or not they want to associate with him. The typical racist response boils down to “I want my rights, but you can’t have the same rights.”

And just like that, I let out a sigh of relief and recognition of my own teetering fears for my future.

The thing is if you publicly put yourself out there as a nazi fuckhead then you become a nazi fuckhead in ALL public spaces. I’m for disrespecting nazi’s in any and all circumstances. Freedom of speech is a bitch, he brought this on himself.

Spencer said he was at the gym “peacefully working out” when Fair came up to him and asked him if he was Richard Spencer. “I said no, because I wanted her to go away,” he said. “I didn’t want to get into a confrontation.”

This isn’t about “quiet acceptance”, it’s about not using the 24/7 tyranny tactics of the enemy, which undermine the (obvious) moral authority of anti-Richard Spencer arguments.

I think that it is extremely important to do this exact thing, actually. Confronting a Nazi at a spa, showing them that it’s NEVER okay to be a Nazi, even in a neutral space or safe place or w/e. Now, obviously, it’s not okay to do it to some guy you SUSPECT to be a Nazi or something, but this guy, who is so vocal and

Also who TF says “coloreds” except maybe doddering grandparents & Benedict Cumberbatch?

In before the debate even gets started.

Pretending to be someone else because you don’t want to get into a confrontation with a woman is extremely alpha, imo


“Remember, anyone has the right to refuse service to Richard Spencer—gyms, gas stations, grocery stores, fast food chains, dollar stores, farmers markets, ice cream stands...you name it.”