
Based on the bag used in the image, seems many items would not work well to be centrally balanced. Anything which "sticks out" would be inherently off kilter.

Totally unwieldy - the weight wouldn't even be centered with the front wheel, so you'd likely feel it pulling to one side even when you are going straight.

How is the fitbit the only one with an altimeter?? Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that fitness trackers seem to be ignoring the simple fact that going uphill is more of a workout than going anywhere flat? I just don't get it.

I didn't read the article. But in response to the headline, that is why I never chose to post pictures of my kids on the internet. I e-mailed photo directly to the people I wanted to look at them. Targeted.

This song is my nemesis. I'll never forget it. When Hanson became big, I happened to look a lot like the oldest brother - hair was blond and much the same length, I'm tall and thin - it haunted me for years afterwards.

Came to say that exact same thing. Basically you are just staying in a portable hotel room if you camp in any sort of recreational vehicle.

You'd think that on the product page, they would at least get the item description right. Instead, it says this:

I like the looks of that a lot. Maybe when my One finally dies/gets lost that'll be my next tracker....thanks for the link!

This is a huge improvement over the Flex. But the One is still the fitbit to get.

"How are there enough photo negatives in the world for this to make the cut?"

Amazon Warehouse has 60" for $2049 right now. They are used, but Amazons return policy is fantastic, so if you aren't happy, there is no risk. I've seen them drop to $1799 and almost bought one then (wish I had, but I really couldn't swing that much at that moment).

I've been holding off on replacing my circa-2006 Panny plasma in hopes of a 4K plasma from them. Hopes = dashed.

I never got the impression he was working for lack of money. He was very non "rock star" and just seemed to enjoy working for good causes (our company works pretty much exclusively with progressive non-profits and is pretty feel-good work).

It's truly surreal for me watching this. I loved the song in the 90's. And then, for about four years, worked with the guitarist at a PR firm in Seattle. Was a very strange thing to align my view of him as I knew him from the 90's with my knowledge of him being the guy I work two desks down from. FWIW, they are

Skin mags could make a comeback despite the internet - think of how much power they would generate!

4º off on mine. I likely wouldn't have noticed this for ages, but now I'm going to irrationally focus on it and start calling it a flaw.

$550 seems steep. When they get this stuff down to half that, it'll start to really pick up steam.


On a smaller scale, but more common, and pertinent to Americans, are the number of houses moved during the construction of the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System. Our house was built in the late 40's in the path of what is now I-5, in north Seattle. In the early 60's it, and three other identical WWII era houses,

So basically the bastion child of a Flex and a One? Never understood why the Flex didn't have all the tracking capabilities of the One. That said, I never understood why you would want to commit to a piece of tech you would have to wear on your wrist.