
Ideally you wouldn’t even use GPS for this, but muscle exertion / pedal torque vs cadence vs wheel speed. It should be doable now.

LOL, next week probably.

If you can find a good deal on a Roomba and have hardwood floors, I think they are worth it, but not for $1,000. Basically, they are good for extending the times between a manual vacuuming, especially if you have pets or kids.

The Senz umbrella is pretty amazing. I have never had an umbrella do so well in gusting winds.

The Senz umbrella is pretty amazing. I have never had an umbrella do so well in gusting winds.

I was a CompuServe kid (middle school), "trading" Magic Cap applications with other users.

You know, better to have it and not need it...

I would love to be in the financial situation where I could take 80 or more days off from work to go for a hike.

Hmm. Lets see, compass, GPS, camera, guidebook, encyclopedia and alarm clock all in one little teeny lightweight device...

This IS admittedly the cutest thing I've ever seen... but seriously KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE BLOODY ROAD!!!! Haha. :)

3D photographs (below) preserved the site digitally.

I am going to blame F7 on that one.....

I say tear this fucker down. Simply because it would probably piss off that whiny bitch on Bering Sea Gold who named her dredge after Beethoven's symphony.

I agree. I grew up in Maine and we only had firewood to heat our house. This would have been amazing to have instead of cutting and splitting all that wood by hand.

...in the traditional soda fountain ratio of 5:1 syrup to soda water.

I'm normally pretty neutral on gun-rights subjects but these feel inherently wrong and somewhat insulting to me as a rational human being. There's more spite at play here than any concerns of self-defense.

idk, when I think of vaginas I usually think of WARM

Dude- What a well-researched, engaging, and enlightening article. Kudos!

This is awesome. And h/t from the Midwest to anyone from Seattle: you guys have a beautiful city, I can't wait to visit again.

What, I'm not gonna cook it at 420? What kind of fool do you take me for??
