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    The SRT Charger gets marginally better fuel economy and is more expensive than an SS....not to mention is stuck with that woeful 5 speed auto

    I'd take an SS with a manual and magnetorheological shocks over that poorly handling Charger garbage any day. Slap a supercharger on the LS3 and you can easily make 700+ hp.

    Totally agree. While I personally wouldn't spend $37k on an old Saab, this seems like quite the collectors item for a Saab enthusiast and for a car in such nice condition, seems like a NP.

    The nuclear industry has disposed of hundreds of tons of radioactive waste permanently, albeit not any of the used nuclear fuel. And on that note, the power companies have nothing to do with the lack of permanent disposal, they have been paying into the Nuclear Waste Fund per the law for years now. You can thank Obama

    Illegal, potentially dangerous and driver-exploiting? Oh please do explain.

    I have taken plenty of cabs, including other countries. From my experience cabs in the UK and Ireland are vastly superior... drivers know where he/she is going, can hold an actual conversation, get out and open the door and load your luggage, and I don't feel like I need to wear a biosuit just to sit in the backseat.

    You mean the strict oversights that allow barely english speaking morons who don't have a clue how to navigate around drive 400,000+ mile ex-police crown vics with broken suspension that reek of vomit and filth? Uber and Lyft have none of those problems even without these regulations. And cab drivers are absolutely

    A few weeks ago I didn't feel like waiting for an Uber/Lyft one night so I just said screw it I'll take a cab. The entire ride home the cab driver just bitched about Uber and Lyft... congrats on losing a customer. I don't want to hear you whining about your own failure to provide a better service. I now go out of my

    Yea I never can figure out why so many Japanesse cars don't have automatic 'on' headlights.... it's insanely cheap and easy to implement, and improves safety for everyone on the road.

    That just makes driving it all that more exciting!

    Well the Corvette will still be running in 3 years, so that makes the decision pretty easy.

    This. A coupe is always going to be stiffer (although the difference is pretty small is supercars with carbon tubs) but 80% more?? This isn't some huge convertible (say like...a 4-5 seater like a 6 series or E class) where the extra long body and roof will lead to a greater difference in stiffness between the coupe

    I thought that too.. but I think the guy is just swearing so much they end up bleeping the cop a few times

    Getting out of your car in a traffic stop in America is pretty much an automatic beat down and/or tasering

    Exactly, you need to get out of that dangerous construction zone as quickly as possible

    There's no shia la bouf in this one.... and Mark Wahlberg is in it, so it HAS to be better than the first 3.

    For me it definitely did. I didn't learn how to drive stick until I was 20 and I drove my college roommate's Civic Si. Since I already knew how a manual transmission worked I picked it up very quickly (clutch engagement was still a bit jerky for a little while though ha). Granted my undergrad is in engineering so it

    Despite the fact that the first gen ML's are woefully huge piles of crap I still love them just because they looked so awesome in Lost World

    Agreed on the giant lay-z-boy's you used to get in GMT 800 trucks. I grew up driving a '01 Tahoe and you really couldn't match those things for comfort. On another note, even the '01s had a fairly low front bumper but the manual mentioned that if you pop off a few clips you can easily remove the lower part for better

    Considering that during a Motor Trend test between the new Viper and four year old ZR-1, the ZR-1 destroyed the Viper's time around Mazda Laguna Seca by over 2 seconds, this Z06, with more power and torque, should handily beat it.