
I did miss that little bit off to the right. Sorry.

I’m torn.

We get it. You use an Android phone.

I love to bash chevys at every turn and the LS all the things crowd annoy the shit out of me, but to say the current LS isn’t high tech just because it is pushrod is naïve in the extreme.
all aluminum, modern heads, modern fuel system, modern electronics, ridonkulous HP, light and dimensionally small. OHC =/= high tech.

And Daft Punk is sad you said that.

So you’d rather the goods run out or be squirreled away by the people who got to the stores first and no more be brought in except by government and charity? Or maybe have people spend all day standing in lines to get their allocation if they got in line early enough?

And let me guess, you’re the one who is actually smart and totally not a sucker at all.

uh, he’s got a foot and a half of water in his house, pretty sure he’s worried about more than just his cars.

Um, you know that Ajit Pai isn’t white, right? Why was the race/sex crack even necessary?

Stop your bias man, or go marry Lewis. The man is a proper dick and he did break check. Both drivers deserved penalties because slowing down like that is just as dangerous.

That brings up an important question; Why isn’t this primarily a Jalopnik post?

Why would you ever use a debit card? If your debit card was compromised in this attack, they could have access to your funds in your checking account. Credit cards also have better fraud protection policies and it’s easier to deal with an attack like this.

Are we still celebrating the cultural enrichment that comes with letting Muslims live alongside civilization?  

A dong, a wiper motor, or an AK?

More like Range Roller amirite?

Bass? Dropped.

I have a hard time believing that the actuaries are intentionally adjusting their data to change the premiums in minority neighborhoods. Could there be something in the actuarial models that does not show up in the profile Consumer Reports and Pro Publica are using?

reports were that the vandalism earlier this year—including a message keyed into the car that said “MOVE”—did $7,500 worth of damage.

“What PPE should I wear for this job?”