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    And to think people say the X5 can't go offroad...

    I would, but I wouldn't want people to think my music is that bad

    no need to feel bad, anyone that is doing something that stupid and dangerous on a public road should be in a crash

    well said.

    This video just affirms that Vettel is awesome and Letterman is an annoying dumbass

    Well my guess is that since these people are confusing the peddles, as the car speeds up they push on the throttle even more, thinking it is still the brake.

    seriously... how on Earth does this girl still have her license?

    for these idiots that show the intelligence of a chimp? nope

    Now playing

    unfortunately it only had a burrgggullelrrrrereghghg alarm

    off by quite a bit... that's an Avantador

    Even then...I really cannot comprehend how people mix those two pedals up

    Tightening regulations does stomp on our freedoms. More regulations are not the answer, stricter driving tests are.

    where's george zimmerman when you need him?

    I think you mean stereotype of women* drivers

    Its practically the same size as a 5 series (its based off the same platform). Same wheelbase (so essentially the same interior space, just less headroom) but with slightly longer overhangs to give that long, low coupe look.....aka its a car for people that can afford a more expensive 5 series

    Does anyone proof read what they write anymore? Ugh!

    I totally have the urge now to feel around that secret Mini hiding spot whenever I walk past a Mini...

    this is all I see every time I look at that

    How about the government makes the driving test more difficult? I'm fairly confident that will save more than 100 lives each year.

    wait a minute... he goes through all that trouble of custom fabricating all those random parts together but then he still uses the stock V6 mustang wheels?? my guess is he ran out of money...