any news if Walmart will have them on the 24th? or are they pushed back to the 29th as well?
any news if Walmart will have them on the 24th? or are they pushed back to the 29th as well?
hey hyundai... no one likes you, don't invite yourself to the party
@Vorgto: agreed... other than the 20 secs of footage right when the race started the other 15 min of the pits was pretty boring
I thought it was just McLaren SLR 722's racing Murcielago SV's down the street...
@baldheadeddork: gotta love the "how to screenshots" in the google search bar
If that's a Jetta diesel then I think the Prius was just jealous
If its a toyota and it's not free, its too expensive...crack pipe
maybe it'll go so fast people won't notice the ugly
"ahhhh shit... grandma parked the merc halfway up the building again...."
btw i like how the anchor is horribly centered
question... if Mercedes can make a 4 door coupe/shooting brake/wagon/thing why is Porsche unable to??
I feel like the 5 series would be a little easy to spot... since they like... arn't available to the public yet...
what an idiot... why would you take half of what its worth... yea it might have been a little more trouble on the open market but any trouble from that would well be worth the extra $30k
anything ever made by toyota, or lexus....or honda, hyundai, or... actually any car made in asia
Ha... hit by a "dodge"... how ironic
@Botswana Meat Commission FC: you hit the nail on the head with those
@verdegrrl: shit those things were perky
@LilEvilFish: idk whats worse... that or the Vauxhall Astra diesels...
is a working transmission included in these new "standard features" ?