that sound... yes just yes
that sound... yes just yes
@elwood: sounds like someone is a little jealous that GM's got the better engine
@DrLemming: while it is hard to overhype a 550+ hp wagon that is bound to be awesome, i do agree that it is quite ugly, reminds me of a Caddy hearse
is there a cliffs notes version?
yikes that thing is ugly, i'd be willing to say a current 5-series looks better than this japanese fish (let alone the new 2011 model)
well you need that 735 ft-lbs of torque to carry around that 4000 lbs of ugly on the grill
@Miscellanea: still better than toyotas
I can't wait to see this take on an M3
ummm what kind of enthusiast drives a toyota??? this affects what.. 4 people in the world?? anyone who drives one of these boring slush mobiles is hardly what i would call an enthusiastic driver.....
@Jim-Bob needs more two stroke and less hybrid!: at least they put those on before the car tried to kill you
@Crash_it_into_a_lake_why_dont_...: ahh i misread it... i thought you were saying the prius was doing 80
@Crash_it_into_a_lake_why_dont_...: problem... a prius cant go that fast
Next time theres a car crash... it might be good to clarify "He didn't make it..." as in "He didn't make the turn" because the other one could be quite easily misunderstood
And I never thought I'd see a car that would make me actually rather drive an Aztek....
@doug-g: yea.. id rather ride a bike, it would be more exciting
@Novaload: Some say he thinks the Nessie is a duck
@Syrax: problem is this thing has more torque than an M3... which seems silly
either BMW 3-Series or Porsche 911
@Weiman: Ooo alright, I was assuming this was a full 3-series refresh not just the coupe and convertible... I thought it was a little odd that they would refresh a car after only two years
GM hands down... simply because I never have high expectations for asian imports