@Ubiquitous Silver Honda: Hmmmm I can usually get away with changing the rotor fluid every 3-4 weeks or so. Maybe its just the premium snakeskin oil that I use...
@Ubiquitous Silver Honda: Hmmmm I can usually get away with changing the rotor fluid every 3-4 weeks or so. Maybe its just the premium snakeskin oil that I use...
M3, or anything with over 150 HP for that matter
@Timtoolman, now with power tools!: The Aura was already a rebaged Opel Vectra and lives on as the Chevy Malibu
@pj134: Yep without the governor on they can hit 65-70 mph but that tears up the treads very quickly so they are limited to about 45.
@ThreeLitre: In the Gran Turismo HD demo they released about a year ago I found the two analog triggers (R2 and L2) work very well for car control, even on the 600+ HP Ferrari 599
All I can hope for is that after Polyphony sees this (maker of GT5) they realize they have some competition and make it even better. Although in stills the two look similarly real, GT5 looks better in video, something with the shadows in Forza just don't look right
Why will people buy X1's?
Psh this is the sissy 650 HP version, I want the full 800 HP.
@rgspb: No you have to double it just get them to do work, I don't even want to contemplate how much it would cost to have them think....
I'm sure no one will argue with this one:
@Tyson: well my comment seems much more lame not that i realize in the time it took me to type it, three other people referenced the same thing
Aston Marton DBS, that V12 just gets me excited in the pants
Well the Porsche CEO allowed his company to produce the Panamera so the only option is Martin Winterkorn
@leavethegun-takethecannoli: Yea it must be some of that "They're our future." crap again. Personally i usually give bonus points if they are running after a ball or a fly-away parakeet, but normally they are 10 pts.
@jodark: Let's just say you'll realize the real reason for those cramps
So was this during normal traffic? as in they didn't close down the street to film this...cause having a Ferrari weave in and out of real New York seems like a bad idea....o yea apparently it is....
I guess I might get raped for saying this but I actually like these cars (the X6 M mostly). It might make me look like a cock but I really don't care. I saw one in person (a regular X6 mind you) and it looked much better in person, online most of them look all out of proportion and goofy.
@Papercutninja: Hard feelings from the 1940's?
Damn, there was like 30 SWAT guys storming each of those cars and was the flashbang really necessary? I mean I know they are deadly criminals but I think holding like 20+ automatic weapons in someone's face would be enough to stop them....
@Alfisted: At first it didn't make sense but then I figured it out, very nice.