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    Women drivers......

    I would love to pull up to one of the trillions of RX driving soccer moms in one of these.

    I really don't think you can beat the classic Crown Victoria, the world's most boring car yet is used for uhhhh everything.

    @Leeeeena: Yea but I would actually want to be pulled over by a Lambo

    I think its kinda cool looking, not in a sexy Aston Martin way more of a batmobile kinda way.....kinda.....

    It can definitely be said that this is a great looking supercar, I wouldn't say its the best but when I think of stereotypical supercar styling this pops into my head first.

    This reminds me of the ML they used in The Lost World.

    @Hills: Yea I was thrown off by those too, the coupe DBS has 2+0 seating so why in a convertible with even less room in the rear (for when the top is folded down), did they try to squeeze in two seats? That makes this quite similar to the DB9 Volante, just a little more power and slightly different styling...

    If you watch the special features of Dark Knight you learn that that used a couple of M-Class Mercedes to mount the massive imax cameras on, also check out the go-mobile (i think thats whats its called) that was created for the second Bourne film and has since been used in many other movies (I am Legend comes to

    @goatrope: @Bo Darville: British build quality at its best! (Well I guess you could say German but that would ruin the joke, which i just ruined anyway)

    @idesigner: More like (after a really random/weird text from drunk friend)

    @Syrax: Yea because some crappy asian car can match the handling of a BMW. HA you make me laugh.

    Hopefully they ditch those eyebrows of the current 5's, I never understood how anyone could think those looked good.

    Tone down the body kit and ditch the pimp wheels and this would be pretty cool.

    @seoultrain: at least its a 7-speed dual clutch auto

    Did anyone notice the really slow reaction time on the drag race? 1.7 sec? wow that driver sucks

    If it came from asia it is boring, especially the "luxury" brands, they just can't compare with Germany (yes some might say they are not as much fun as they used to but their still much better), the UK, or the US (well ok just the CTS-V but thats at least one). I hate it when people are all smug in their Lexus when

    Anything made by Toyota, Mazda, Honda,... I think you can see where I'm going with this. I might be a little biased though, just a little... But really most asian cars are small, downright fugly, and probably some of the most boring cars I have ever had the displeasure to drive. Most of them are just copies of other