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    Wow way to make the not so green Prius look even more deceptively green. Thanks Toyota! If you don't know what I mean the batteries it uses are produced in a way that damages the environment and the batteries will probably not be recycled correctly and also diesel cars in Europe can get 60+ mpg easy without costly

    I don't care what anyone says this movie looks kickass and Astons are sexy as hell (that should be enough to make anyone, even Bond haters, to see this movie). Although seeing the car being shot at I hope this does not become Die Another Day when the cars are perfectly industructable.

    @laxman15: I agree, I like the styling of the 5 series but the headlights just kill it for me. They are absolutely hideous. I just think they are just so goofy looking (along with the x3's headlights). But then again what do I know, I think the current BMW"s are the sexiest of them all and that is certainly not the

    Ok well this movie has an Audi A8 in it so it must be cool


    There is a far easier way to look at this using Newton's Second Law: F=ma (Force=Mass x Acceleration). Crumple Zones extend the time of the collision, thus giving a lower acceleration (in the negative direction of course) and since the will always be the same, a smaller acceleration means smaller force(on the car and

    Jesus, the car didn't even slow down (didn't any brake lights) and wtf were him and that other doing in the wrong lane?

    This just reminds me how sad I am that GM stopped selling the H1, the most awesome off-road vehicle of all time.

    Now he just needs to add two Ecovans to the top and make this thing a double-decker. Then maybe cut off the roof and hide a border slingshot inside (think mythbusters)!

    Better solution, don't buy hybrids! Get diesels! Hybrid-like millage with ample sound!

    @ciscokidinsf: Supercar jokes aside, I really do want to know what the Stig can do with this thing

    Plus the GM's hybrids may not get Prius-like millage but at least they are bigger than a lunchbox and can actually have stuff fit into them (not to mention they are shaped like normal cars, not that bubble Japanese crap)

    Personally I think Buicks are hideous but for some reason the I dont want to say bye bye to Buick, idk something would just be wrong in the world without it

    It isnt that bad, but those massive wheels/giant wheel wells are hideous

    hopefully this will go the route of GM's EV-1 and this stupid car will go away forever

    Wow this design was certainly not copied from an other cars... noooo of course not

    @Novaload: ummm mine is in color, quite unsaturated, but defiantly in color.

    Yikes I'd be so pissed if a stray dog just ruined the race for me.

    Sweet with that engine combo this will have a top speed of what 55mph?

    All I know is that there is a wet patch on my pants and I am not sure if its drool or umm well somthing else.