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    Dog proof wheels, just cause i want some

    Well, its all good because when the mutated cancer killing virus attacks it attacks New York City first (think "I Am Legend") and you shall be the first to turn into a primative zoombie and get run over by Will Smith in a suicidal rampage.

    @Benson2175: You know I could ask you the same question. I am sick of people pissing on GM whenever they try something new. You know why the Prius is so unpopular? Because it is downright ugly, it looks like a silver turd. GM is trying something new here, and you have nothing better to do than make fun (although

    @Benson2175: Yea well you know what I hate all of your BS. Leave it to some idiot like you to make fun of a car that is set to revolutionize the auto industry, not to mention one of the top automakers in the world.

    It was sweet until I heard about the cummins diesel.

    This would not be a problem if people would stop being losers and leaving their high beams on as another car approaches. God I hate those idiots....

    Good now he can put his new lisense plate on his magic flying carpet that he conviently stores on his head!

    Shoot double post, my bad...

    This is why these people still live in the middle of the desert and were towels on their heads. Once the oil is gone they are going to have to use those towels as magic carpets...

    I am going to laugh really hard when all the oil runs out and they will have to go back to their magic carpets. Without oil it will be a useless desert.

    @camp6ell: 500hp, 738 ft-lbs torque, 23 mph; you obviously do not know how to read...

    Yea Toshiba needs to give and stop wasteing money on a format that has/will ultimately not be successful. They can now get a head start on the next format, whether it be holographic disks or movie downloads

    @citizen024: Good point, I still cant get over how enormous this thing must be

    How do you get a 150 inch plasma through a door?

    I hate all of this graduated lisenceing restrictions. In IL, I have to wait 6 months with my lisence before I can have more than 1 teenager in the car. I am very angry at these restrictions because they punish everyone for something they have not done yet just because some (ok many) kids are idiots when they get their

    This car really pisses me off because i know that I will never have a chance to drive it!