
Are we allowed to celebrate, now, you piece of shit Wilbon?

Will passing be added to F1? That would help make it more interesting to Americans.

“What’s a roof?”

“These people have awful names.”

Are you suggesting Zardes is going to end up at one of the non-Galatasaray clubs in Istanbul? Because that’s where I see Klinsi ending up in the near-mid-future.

Came here for the delicious, delicious yinzer salt. Was not disappointed.

Klinsmann: Looks like a decent left back to me.

Hey, as someone who follows the league, just thought I’d give a bit of background here.

Downforce just kicked in yo!

*insert witty comment about how no one watches or cares about the MLS complete with intended snobbishness and portrayed idea that you're somehow better because you don't watch the sport*

Hi, Ted.

Well there is the hurdle of another league wanting you (which probably has a prerequisite of them even knowing who you are). Those leagues also happen to be in countries that aren't the USA, so they have work visa/permit issues that many American citizens would have a hard time qualifying for or getting around.

This is the real problem with MLS, not some silly fight about promotion/relegation. I hope that they are forced to implement true free agency as soon as next year. I also hope that an asteroid crashes into Yankee Stadium on NYCFC's opening day.

"Call me when you can start at Real Madrid, you stupid scrub. Then I'll care."

But you're taking away the HUMAN ELEMENT of fans falling asleep in the stands.

I'm sure Kraft, Anschutz, and Garber all saw that anonymous banner and said "OH MY GOD! NOW WE SEE THE LIGHT! We need to let dysfunctional minor league teams into our billion dollar league because some guys in the internet want to feel European! It feels so liberating to not be a SHEEPLE anymore!!!

Somebody called an end around, I see.

Look on the bright side, Edmonton: the sun will rise tomorrow.