
I’ll just give Deadspin’s editors credit for striking Haisley’s concluding point, that if only the USMNT had stuck with Klinsmann, Turner would’ve never made this decision.

Don’t waste our time here, Tim. Where’s the Haisley piece crediting this entire performance to Klinsi’s enduring genius?

Get the streaming service subscription from the FIA WEC and then just chromecast that to a screen or two. That will give you 24h coverage regardless of whatever skulduggery Fox gets up to with its coverage.

Having gone in 2013, I can say that there is truly nothing like Le Mans. The race is like no other. The scene is like no other. It’s completely addicting. You want to go back every year after you’ve gone for the first time.

How can McCarran in Las Vegas not be on this list? For a city whose entire existence is owed to tourism to have an airport that bad is just beyond belief. The TSA checkpoints are too small. The baggage claim area is complete chaos and I have seen taxi lines there take over an hour.

oops. Much like my academic career, I blew the math portion of the question. Sorry.

Still my favorite from a childhood visit to Sears Point in the late 80s.

Where's Billy Haisley calling Landon a single entity pussy? This can't be Deadspin.

Been up most of the night watching. Feel awful both for the #7 Toyota and #35 Nissan who looked like they were going to win their respective classes before mechanical failures. Hugely impressed by the three young guys in the 35, Brundle, Mardenborough, and Shulzhitsky.

This is exactly what I was thinking as well.

It was some of the best racing I've ever seen in North America and it really, really will be missed.

Arborio is the worst because of unceasing misery that is required to cook risotto. No amount of impressing my fiancee (she's my fiancee, after all) was worth that.