Aaron Donald Trump

So tell me again why the U.S. doesn't excel at soccer?

Sexually propositioning a woman and her mom at a stoplight?

Not since the Spanish Armada has Drake inspired such fear in an opponent.

Bogut started his career 1-for-22 on 3s, but over the last 4 years is 2-for-2. #HotHand

I want the Wolves to start winning so badly. Such a great roster of young talent.

McGregor: “I should create my own belt because I am, in myself, my own belt. It doesn’t matter weight. It doesn’t matter if it’s a featherweight, the lightweight, the welterweight, it’s the McGregor belt, so that’s it. I’m fighting for my own belt.”

Your mma coverage is terrible...he went up 25 pounds for this fight and still has the belt at 145. Chill out

[requests trade to Mets]

You misspelled Bacon.

*when the media started paying attention to epidemic of police violence,

What a shot. He should Basque in the glory.

What’s going to happen when Barcelona crush Arsenal next week?

Wasn’t Arsenal after this guy? I could’ve sworn Arsenal was linked with him during several transfer windows. In fact I really thought he was going to be playing In England eventually, for Arsenal.

The EPL is very competitive, but the best teams in Europe aren’t English.

UCL winners over last 30 years

9 Spain

Celta player scored a penalty to tie it 1-1 just before half and did the “I can’t hear you” hands behind the ears to the nou camp crowd. Basically opened his team up to it at that point, disrespect for disrespect.


Ronaldo would never do it. He’d never let a teammate take a PK and he wouldn't squander a PK opportunity by passing to a teammate. For any reason.

Meh. I see nothing unsportsmanlike about it. You’re too sensitive. The Celta players are professionals, they can handle it. Their manager, Berizzo, didn’t have a problem with it anyway judging from his post-game comments.

Cheeky? Disrespectful? Hilarious?