Aaron Donald Trump

Big 12 players completely continue to set the bar so low



Agreed, but my kid is the exception because he’s great and perfect and can do no wrong. My kid’s great. My kid’s special.

What’s really troubling you? Lotta animosity from you in these comments. Are you related to this referee or something?

Chill, dude.

Does everybody really need to take a side? The guy behind the camera and the kid are self-righteously annoying. Tommy Pham behaved like a 16-year-old. NEXT

I demand better.

This is terrible

I think you mean well


Sorry but if this had been a fraternity’s event it would have been a national controversy. Yay double standards!

I really think our front 7 could be pretty good this year if Te’o gets his shit together. Secondary is still a grease fire

You are dead on my friend. Weddle is undersized and slow. Sure, he’s smart, but every time I see motherfucking TIGHT END just blow by Weddle for a TD I want to throw my fucking longboard through the television.

Am I the only one bothered by his footwear?

Well..... GO TWOLVES!!!!

no, he just visited with like half the NBA franchises and then let everybody know when he was going to make HIS decision

How is this different? LeBron’s presentation was less taciturn - sure - but KD is literally joining the best regular-season team in NBA history. A team the Thunder nearly beat in the Conference Finals 2 months ago. I don’t think LeBron’s Cavs were “almost-defeat-the-best-team-ever” good.

This is much worse than “The Decision”.

If someone who is full of apparent shit calls him/herself a lawyer... is he/she actually a lawyer? Interesting paradox you’ve opened up here.