This is the same Internet that watched Tiger King and decided Carole Baskin was the one most deserving of meme-ified scorn out of the entire cast of horrible, evil people. There seems to be a common denominator here...
This is the same Internet that watched Tiger King and decided Carole Baskin was the one most deserving of meme-ified scorn out of the entire cast of horrible, evil people. There seems to be a common denominator here...
I’m not. That much I can guarantee you. But we’ve all been there. And if you’re saying you’ve never been excessively frustrated by an ultimately minor thing, then what a fucking charmed life you’ve lead.
it’s weird; i don’t think there’s anyone here who wouldn’t complain if they received the same level of service described in this situation. but, nonetheless, it involved a white woman unhappy about something so this blog decided to score points by creating an entire post just to mock her. it’s trendy right now, so…
Let’s recap, shall we?
I dunno. I find this scrubbing of a show’s history a bit bullshitty. There’s a lot of sexist/homophobic jokes in shows like Cheers (or more recently How I Met Your Mother) that would never get into a show today but were a product of their times (even if those times were just 10 years ago). Just let the past reflect…
The butt of the jokes were those in blackface and the writers were punching up not punching down. Are there better ways to make fun of the oblivious whiteness of the Jenna Maroney’s of the world, maybe. But the face swap episode was actually about making two idiots understand intersectionality.
I’ll be honest, in about 15-20 years, when they are going to be making those biographical movies about the biggest stars of our era, I’m far more interested in the Taylor Swift movie than in the Beyonce movie. Now, before the flames, not because I don’t think Beyonce doesn’t have a story worth telling, she absolutely,…
How on earth are running around on a farm and horseback riding, and abuse and domestic violence mutually exclusive? I promise you, you can have both of these things.
“So, which is it? An unsettled and abusive childhood or an idyllic childhood?”
I’m a former Hill staffer, and this article is making me EXPLODE over the dress code bullshit.
“It’s like these people, the ones we keep under the ground in the marble orchards. Beautiful orchards...have you seen these? The people, before, on the other side of the ground...they’re walking’s incredible...walking around. But something happens between where it’s good, it’s perfect...with the walking...a…
Raw or live? They really taste spectacular when you spread honey on your tongue and sit motionless for 6 hours to bait one into your open mouth. The frantic buzzing and dozens of stings as you chew them to death adds an indescribable umami and olfactory notes of cherrywood ash, toasted whole grains, and atrial…
am i the only person disturbed that they placed a fucking singularity on this child’s face to obscure it? its like for the rest of my life, i am going to imagine little kids have endless voids on their faces...
that is one fourteen ass looking five year old
Why did they make the kid’s face look like a Stargate portal? Is Kurt Russell still in there?
Okay I understand that a minors identity needs to be protected, but what the FUCK is that over his face?! What kind of a censor is that? What is that supposed to be, a scribble? a gold coin? some kind of mask? What exactly is happening in this image and why was it done instead of just a blur or black bar or literally…
Man. They can’t even stop people from fucking by offering them $100,000. I hope this show is beamed directly into the heads of anyone who still thinks abstinence-only sex ed makes any sense.
Not to be confused with service penises, intended to assist those who are differently abled.
Huh! I have a very strong inner magpie/5 year old child, and I kind of love this. I certainly don’t hate it as much as everyone else seems to...