
I don’t blame you.

I’m sorry, I got as far as I could, but this is just so dumb. Youtube has an incredible knack for taking things that are awesome and making them stupid.

What does that have to do with FWD?

Meanwhile, I’m an IT guy with Biology and Chemistry degrees (minors in Physics and Mathematics), and my official title is Systems Engineer. What does my title mean? Well, I design and implement new systems, as well as all the normal IT stuff you might expect. Where does that fit into your discussion? Do I qualify for

In the case of AWS, that .000000001 percent of the time when things don’t work just right means that over a third of the internet ceases to function well.

Yes... bitch and moan about the death of a few destructive invasive non local species...

This is my moment in the ketchup-flavored sun.

No movie was ever worse for having Bill Paxton in it.

Give the old stuff to da boids! (And da squoils)

Pfffftttttt! Screw that. It’s less trouble to pop a fresh batch.

As a solarwinds engineer among other things that is an absurd question. The proper answer is: Im going to monitor your shit and let you know when something isn’t working.

A fuck ton of seeds

I don’t recall ever being told to raise the window shade on an airplane. In fact, I can remember on more than occasion being asked to LOWER the window shade in order to better control the temperature in the cabin.

These rains and winter snowpack will alevate, but not cure CA’s drought woes. The major aquafers are severly depleted (to the point where elevations are dropping in some areas), and it would take hundreds of years to recharge them. Even if every well was shut down tomorrow, and fat chance of that!

How was the drought a “feaemongering” issue? Huge stretches of the southern half of the state were bone dry. Farmers, city managers, and assholes who wanted to keep their lawns green were fighting over what little water remained.

The drought is in large part because of the waterways the Army Corp of engineers developed a long time ago. This rain will help a bit, but if we keep diverting it straight to the ocean instead of letting it get absorbed into the watershed, it won’t do much to curb the drought.

This should be retitled “The 10 Dumbest Ways to Use Zip Ties.”

GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress

Brave posting that here.

They’re just fucking shameless.