
In Oregon here...I’m certain that doctors at a Catholic hospital withheld information from us.

That receiver is a really good deal. The only thing it is lacking is upscaling, so if your devices do that it’s a win.

That receiver is a really good deal. The only thing it is lacking is upscaling, so if your devices do that it’s a

I used to be too. But I realized I’ve never replaced a battery.

I have a yagi that I do this with. Running gns3, on esx. Comcast and local 2.4 provider.

You can almost guarantee that all the rebar that goes into it will be fabricated by minimum wage immigrants.

Hell yeah!

Wow. He went up FAST.

Tom - You should have done the money booth! I want to read about that too!

90$ hoodies? Really? If I spend 30 it feels like overspending.

90$ hoodies? Really? If I spend 30 it feels like overspending.

How so? People who have been brainwashed are not critical thinkers.

I addressed this, but it looks like my comment was dismissed by a previous poster.

I addressed this, but it looks like my comment was dismissed by a previous poster.

Perhaps they learned a thing or two. I have very little compassion for people who can’t tell fact from fiction. And yeah, stealing is bad.

I know! Fuck the church goers!

Stealing from a church is okay I’m my book. From other racers is shitty.

They should be about to swarm. That’s when you want to get em. Also a black bucket is nice and warm. Sounds ideal. But without frames it’s not going to do you any good. And you wouldn’t be in trouble I’d figure unless you had a hive on purpose. Also fuck that you should be able to have a hive

Local beekeepers would do it for free.

This is not new. Hives get stolen anywhere there are hives. All you have to do is wait until dark and pick them up. It sucks. If I had commercial hives I would definitely be tracking some of them with a GPS/70cm HAM setup.

I’d replace 2, 4, and 5 with a dependable pickup. For hauling, hauling and dump runs.

Boom. I love Lehtos podcast. Glad it worked out for you.