
I love how he goes back and forth between loving it and being scared shitless. It’s like a kid on a roller coaster for the first time, only with more swearing.

Now playing

Here is my favorite of all the reaction videos of parents in the car:

At first glance, I thought you wrote Glee suits

If you don’t intend to keep the contents for any length of time get a sharp knife and punch a very small hole in the lid. Jars are hard to open because they have a vacuum inside. Once the pressure of both sides of the lid equalize the lid comes off with no effort.

Some see the alcohol warning on the pain meds as a warning, some see it as a recipe.

Pandering? I mean, I get why they make test cases when the ideological balance of the Court shifts (I don’t approve, but I understand), but it’s not like replacing Scalia with Gorsuch is going to change anything. Maybe they just want to put out feelers to get a more clear idea on Gorsuch’s exact position here.

Fuck that. If this the argument you insist on, then your fucking Viagra and Cialis and shit should not be covered because I DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX. Tit-for-fucking-tat.

Yes, fixed. Explained what happened in a couple of other comments. My apologies.

Clearly you totally misunderstand the critical importantce of Net Neutrality.

Let’s not forget that nuclear power is “too cheap to meter,” and “will solve all of our energy problems.”/s

You should hit me up sometime. I’m an instructor down here in Portland and I’m up in the Sound all the time. I tried posting some footage I took of a GPO at Titlow in Tacoma, but Kinja wasn’t a fan. He reached out and grabbed my camera and then gave me the evil eye until I left him to his own devices again.

Im an avid diver. I dive mostly in the PNW in the Puget Sound, which has a ton of Octopus. You don’t mess with them when they get bigger than a basketball. They are strong and fast as hell. And they know how to pull hoses. They can really fuck you up if they want too.

On the other hand, printers are not going to be running any IDS or threat detection. And one of these vulnerabilities involves disclosure of the printer’s network credentials, which could be leveraged elsewhere on the network.

In my ‘90 (and in my ‘91 I had before it) I drive pretty cautiously in the wet. Along with the suspension tuning making it twitchy on wet pavement, its low weight also makes it very prone to hydroplaning.

This is useful beyond just screening for scammy shops. It’s a great way to find skilled mechanics and also learn about how your own car works.

I’m with you. I fucking love French Onion soup.

I’d love to have a French Onion button, but then I’d have to pull over to enjoy the melted cheese and baguette. Soup is a lot harder to eat while driving compared to fries.