Pfffftttttt! Screw that. It’s less trouble to pop a fresh batch.
As a solarwinds engineer among other things that is an absurd question. The proper answer is: Im going to monitor your shit and let you know when something isn’t working.
I don’t recall ever being told to raise the window shade on an airplane. In fact, I can remember on more than occasion being asked to LOWER the window shade in order to better control the temperature in the cabin.
This should be retitled “The 10 Dumbest Ways to Use Zip Ties.”
GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress…
Brave posting that here.
One on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere is an acceptable risk to me. Gotta honor Ed Abbey and his measuring distance in consumed six packs
Fuck the DRL.
They’re just fucking shameless.
After the survey, it re-directs to a page asking for $$.
I love how he goes back and forth between loving it and being scared shitless. It’s like a kid on a roller coaster for the first time, only with more swearing.
Here is my favorite of all the reaction videos of parents in the car:
If you don’t intend to keep the contents for any length of time get a sharp knife and punch a very small hole in the lid. Jars are hard to open because they have a vacuum inside. Once the pressure of both sides of the lid equalize the lid comes off with no effort.
If you’re like me and have a bunch of half-finished art and other projects all around you, get ready to feel that…
Some see the alcohol warning on the pain meds as a warning, some see it as a recipe.
Pandering? I mean, I get why they make test cases when the ideological balance of the Court shifts (I don’t approve, but I understand), but it’s not like replacing Scalia with Gorsuch is going to change anything. Maybe they just want to put out feelers to get a more clear idea on Gorsuch’s exact position here.