
Fuck that. If this the argument you insist on, then your fucking Viagra and Cialis and shit should not be covered because I DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX. Tit-for-fucking-tat.

Yes, fixed. Explained what happened in a couple of other comments. My apologies.

In my ‘90 (and in my ‘91 I had before it) I drive pretty cautiously in the wet. Along with the suspension tuning making it twitchy on wet pavement, its low weight also makes it very prone to hydroplaning.

This is useful beyond just screening for scammy shops. It’s a great way to find skilled mechanics and also learn about how your own car works.

I’m with you. I fucking love French Onion soup.

I’d love to have a French Onion button, but then I’d have to pull over to enjoy the melted cheese and baguette. Soup is a lot harder to eat while driving compared to fries.

Quote from the guy recording this:

Does the ABS kick in if the tires are slipping due to the regen?

Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some

It’s all real! He found a genuine, undamaged triple-chrome heavy-ass bumper. Beautiful.


Tangentially related but how cute is Ian mckellen’s sign for the women’s march?

Why are there no spikes on the bike in the chair lift shot?

It dwarfs the Fiat & SmartCar also... it’s the size of those Scions

You’re suggesting turning the side of the trailer into a rapidly inflatable aerofoil which would direct the wind lengthways, creating a low pressure force opposing the wind...