
Trespasser on PC. I actually did try stacking things up with that floppy hand but the whack physics just made everything tumble to the ground. Even the dinosaurs couldn’t save it. I think this was the first game I actually gave up on pretty early.

I actually think this is how it’s going to go down. Republicans can make noise about doing the right thing, growing a spine, etc. They allow him to get impeached. However, they then delay the conviction (because that is what McConnell does best) until after the election. The Trumpsters were always going to vote for

I just visited Texas this spring and can confirm the greatness of Buc-ees. I even bought a tshirt with the mascot on it.

Of course it is. Sharpie ink is FOREVER!

Maybe the people who thought they were in the path of the storm but actually weren’t. Also, instead of just coming out and admitting the mistake (like any normal human being), they just continue to double down and insist they were right.

But the type of game won’t matter since there is no local processing. Whether you are playing the latest, wizziest game or the Sims, if you can’t get the next frame through your connection fast enough the experience will be terrible.

The real question here is, what does Ozzy Osbourne think of this? Since he started it all back in the 80's that one time he refused to start his concert until people killed the puppy he threw into the audience.

I don’t think he colluded, per se. Him and Putin never had a sit down and decided together “This is what we’ll do.” It’s more like Hillary was his enemy, Putin was her enemy, therefore him and Putin are friends. Also, I think the Russians helped him out sometime in the past (sketchy loans, money laundering, etc) and

Agreed. Ask yourself this question: would you dip a Dorito in salsa? No, of course not. Same thing here with nachos. Doritos are just meant to be eaten on their own.

Any tax/finance people here? What are the tax implications for the seller using this scheme?

Weezer just released a covers album yesterday, Teal Album. Mostly 80's, but a couple older/newer tracks in there too.

Equivocation is his superpower. The things he says can have so many different interpretations. Depending on how things play out, he can always look back and say that’s what he meant or said. It’s amazing and yet awful at the same time.

It’s sad, really. She also sounds 50, a hard 50 at that.

8 is actually a half-truth. I have absolutely no doubt he put up zero money, however I’m sure there were many guarantees, the bigliest guarantees.

Love is all around you, love is knockin’ outside your door.. 

1. You aren’t chopping the wood, you are splitting it.

Wait, when did Tina Fey move to the midwest?

If you like this kind of music check out Torn Hawk. It hits the same type of nostalgic feels.

Now playing

For something with a spooky atmosphere or mood, try Death Cube K (Buckethead) disembodied.

This was my take as well. Not the best, but far from the worst as far as actual “acting” goes. And the tech/equipment issues could be resolved by having an actual budget.