
Not only are chickens delicious, but they are inexpensive too! At least if you get the rotisserie ones from Costco. Lunch for a whole week for $5!

I think he is just trying to sound dramatic and/or presidential. I started laughing about 2 seconds in because it just doesn’t work for him.

I was wondering what most people thought of this. I have done this many a time myself. Are these about the same level?


If they are in fact looking for certain file types, I doubt this would fool them. If they are going to the trouble of looking for copyrighted material, they most likely would be looking at the data itself and not just the filename.

I liked it though. It stands apart from most other trailers.

I can confirm that these are indeed good. However, they are quite strong. Not something I would want to eat half a bag of while watching a movie.

I had the same problem. Sentinels and also not being able to find enough oxygen to replenish my suit. I think I had to restart 3 times before I was able to get off the planet.

David Spade! LOL!

From the looks of it, I would say they didn’t waste any money on it since they appear to have put none into it. Waiting for the Syfy original film tie-in.

Elizabeth Moss has this part locked up when they make the inevitable tv series.

I would say that’s a good move. I got the Skyrim bundle right before Black Friday. I’ve never tried VR before and wanted too. Resident Evil is really good since it seemed like it was made with VR in mind, as opposed to a port. I had already finished Skyrim so that was a bit underwhelming. The screen door effect and

I’ve had Republic wireless since 2013 (Moto X 1st gen, $10 plan still!) and I’ve been pretty happy with them. One thing though: you can bring your own phone, but you can’t bring just any phone. It has to be one of their supported models. But they have some decent models (Moto, Samsung). Used to be you HAD to buy the

And then following this meeting, he has another one lined up with Wizards of the Coast to discuss their “Monster Maze” game that’s been poisoning the minds of children more and more lately. Or so I’ve been told.

But first he would have to go pick up fellow armchair hero Marky Mark.

He forgot to blame Judas Priest with their backwards, subliminal satanic messages of “Do it!”

They both have different problems. I think Barack’s would be fine without the greenery. He at least looks like himself. But that looks nothing like Michelle. If hers at least looked like her it would be passable.

I really don’t like all the greenery in Barack’s picture. Couldn’t help but picture the “Homer fading backwards into the shrubs” gif. I don’t think these look presidential at all. I’m like you, I would rather have seen something more traditional.

gaslighting. It’s a common tactic with this administration.

You’re supposed to punch up, or at least at the same level. If your assertion is “he’s just telling the truth”, then there are plenty of other opportunities every day where he could try doing that for a change.