TendeRony Seikaly

Oh god. So good. That ralph line still kills after what.....24 years?

Damn I love your conviction....would love to do this as well. It would probably end my marriage. Still, I loathe this administration and the jackwagons that voted them in SO vociferously, I still consider doing it.

I zombied my face this year (I know, SO 3 years ago) and took my 7 year old daughter out trick or treating. Totally upstaged her with the makeup and flesh wounds... to the point of her wanting to quit and go home about 30 mins in because “everyone likes your costume and no one says anything about mine, dad.”

Also would’ve accepted, the National Anthem before ANY sporting event.

Yup. You won the day my friend. All the stars.

First bar I ever used to drink at (I was 20) in my hometown, played the song ‘Closing Time’ every night/morning about 1:45am. I fucking loathed that song and still do. Not because the bar was closing, it was just a putrid excuse for a song. So much hate. Put it on the list. (That is a solid list btw)

Oh god, this was hilarious. Spit out some my crappy beer hilarious. I will certainly steal the phrase “Advanced Squirrelin’” the next time I remark on trump supporters in certain geographic regions.

Yes. Gummy bears are where it’s at.

Went to a University of Michigan hockey game after eating a giant section of the strongest weed fudge known to man. Was near hallucination.....helluva game though.

Seriously, Buck is the worst. Fox employs one of the best and most exciting announcers to ever call a game, Gus Johnson. However, they stick him with TCU-Kansas on Saturday nights, then put him back on the shelf for a week. Why can’t the guy call a WS game? Haven’t we all had enough of Joe “I massively overreacted to

Proper chicago beef has medium to hot giardiniera, NOT sport peppers. Those are reserved for chicago dogs. Get it together Magary.

Anyone who has been to a multitude, hell even one, Macklemore concert deserves to have shit stained pants.

SO much bedshitting from 2011-2015. With 2012 being the poop icing on the proverbial shit cake.

Well put. One game doesn’t reveal shit. And didn’t they win 11 games last year WITH Beckham? Here’s what happened: Denver thought it had this game won well before kickoff. They slacked, got down early, and don’t have the type of offense that can bring them back from a deficit of more than 2 td’s. In closing, Eli still

I’d star this 50 times if I could. Well done kind sir...well done.

Lol’d at this. Well done.

I too have zero doubts about this. No effin’ way he knew PR was part of US. NO.....EFFIN’....WAY.

Absolutely. This team can’t lose fast enough. The last several years without them in the playoffs was fuckin bliss....however, these fake ass Cub fans are doing an amicable job at replacing that irritation. So many fake Cub fans....the horror.....the horror....

Exactly, he’s a rookie. Let’s all settle down and enjoy the 3 run lead that the Yank......yeah, just kidding, fuck the goddamn yankees to hell. Go Twins, bitches.

Agreed. Pretty sure they wrote the book on bedshitting. If the Lions were a character from a movie they’d most certainly be Spud from Trainspotting.