TendeRony Seikaly

You should go ride your bikey bike, Bikey McBikeface!

Here’s a thought and I’m just spitballling here, but how about we show that as a community we value the education of our young people and pay taxes in a sufficient amount so the kids don’t have to beg the neighbors for money? Nah.

Watching that fake reminded me of what happened when the CPU called the exact defense to match your play call in Tecmo Super Bowl. It was a good memory, and then reminded me of how I could run back to the one yard line and have Warren Moon throw 99 yard TD passes all game long, on his way to a 15,000 yard passing

One day, I’m gonna be brave enough to accidentally walk into someone wearing camo and say “oops, sorry bud, didn’t see you there!” and walk off.

+1. All camo uniforms need to get lost.

On nationalism and commerce:

Here are a few words that rhyme with Kyle: bile, vile, butt-dial, smile, senile, juvenile, pedophile...

I still cant get over the fact that this man and his neighbors were out practicing cheers for the upcoming school year. Utah must really be a strange place.

I was practicing some cheers for the upcoming school year with a couple of my neighbors just for fun.

It’s all leftovers from last year, plus some “Vodka” Burneko made

Re Steak rub-

Stump Merrill, the manager of those Yankees, is a very cromulent baseball nickname.

last-place 1990 Yankees season

The kneeling was started as a protest against the cheapness black life is held in, particularly when it comes to police officers. If you want to be against the protests because you think that’s not true, then I think that requires a certain amount of willful ignorance. I don’t think anyone can dispute that for

If you are against the kneeling, you are an uneducated (perhaps willfully, on this topic) bigot.

I think I would use my awesome idea brain to come up with a vague idea or two about how I might be able to secure the weakly flailing arms of a hammered person, and not need to throw a Tough Guy™ haymaker over it. You seem like a gun owner. Do you empty your magazine at every mosquito that flies by? Does the constant

That song was released during my spring semester of senior year of college. Every fucking night it was the last song at the bar and was deemed by our”class song.”

Nah you just became what you hate

I think it’s required by law for every bar to play that song 10-15 minutes before closing. That song should have never been written in the first place. Ban it and publicly stone anyone who ever suggests listening to it.

Unsuspecting audience members became the subjects of paid-marketing campaigns rather than simply bearing witness to teams’ authentic, voluntary shows of support for the brave men and women who wear our nation’s uniform