TendeRony Seikaly

Yup. Fake as a brazilian porn star’s ass.

This fanatic better strive for some deeper, more original viewpoints. She’s basically ripping off the plot from “Being John Malkovich” to substantiate her right wingy beliefs. I just watched that movie again on FLIX. I see you Laurel. I see you.

Got a daughter that doesn’t like juice OR soda. Praise to the high holy father ya’ll.

This right here is why I read comments here on “dadding”. Its was readily easy to think that this type of incident only happens to me. And I really felt like that for awhile, still do sometimes. However, I like to tell myself that the murderous rage that ensues after my kids do some jackass shit like this is subsiding

Seriously, why so many coffee mugs? Stacks upon stacks upon stacks of coffee mugs. How my cabinet is even attached to the wall with all that weight is beyond me. I could invite neighbors over for coffee within a 2 mile radius and we’d be good on mug count.

Well, you’re a better man than I, kind sir. I’d have pitched a fit and thrown them...however, I would definitely not have been mature enough to clean em’ up.

Barbaro Garbey (pronounced gar-BAY), Darrell Evans, Ron Cey, Lloyd Mosbey, Frank Tanana, Dave Concepcion, Mickey Hatcher, Mackey Sasser, Bruce Hernansky. There.....remembered some people.

Exactly....either find a real deli or buy some good meat/bread/cheese and construct that shit yourself. Chain sandwich robbery is the goddamn worst, they all deserve to be burnt to the effing ground.

You typically post some really quality music in the “Halftime” portion of funbag. War on Drugs, My Bloody Valentine(who I’ve seen live and jesus they’re loud as fuck). Anyhoo, some bands to consider for next week: Black Lips, The Replacements, Slowdive(if you’re high), and the Walkmen(their old shit). That is all.

Sheer volume of games still makes it more watchable than NFL. 16 potential games each week, we get maybe 1 or 2 decent matchups, if that. And their “primetime” games rarely live up to the hype. I’ll take my chances with the 120.

Can’t decide if they look more like extras from Deliverance or Gummo...

This is Gold Jerry. Gold.

I had the same feeling about all the middling 1980's Tigers. Tom Brookens, Lance Parrish, Barbaro Garbey, Willie Hernandez, Dave Bergman, Darrell Evans. Got a set of glasses with the 1984 team. Each guy got his own glass. Glorious.

James Edwards. He had that looping, unblockable turnaround jumper. And while we’re on Detroit players, Chet Lemon. He was the greatest to 7 year old me.