
I have people in my life that i like and respect who like this show and I honestly can just barely mask my contempt

Instant pharma’s gonna get you.

Dear Gawker Media:

Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.

Anyhow, high school is terrible.

Considering you need to be licensed and trained to use any of the vehicles you listed, I’d rather take my chances with them rather than some armed nutjob who can go and get a gun with neither.

Bolero, not porkpie, not fedora.

Pinkham, I’m glad to see you’re not slacking off on the job here, working right up until the last day ;p

The colloquial name for that is “The Chuck Berry”.

That would be a Sweet Christmas.

As one of the (few) readers of Alpha Flight, I always wondered what happened to his first-born daughter, Kara Killgrave:

Quick correction: You have “Kevin J Anderson” but only one “stupid” in the same paragraph. There needs to be at least two more.

He is her family, jackass.

As bad as it was, I watch for the Clark & Lana scenes. Them dancing to “Earth Angel” is perfect.

Class of ‘10. Every year’s history class was “Ok we are going to start at the ‘discovery’ of America, get to approximately the middle of the civil war by the end of the year and then have no time to cover anything else.”

Every damn year until I got to college.

She was afraid of deep things, so she couldn’t partake in bowls.

“He stood alone at Gjallerbru. And that answer is enough.”