
I just love the fact that you’re so young

My scruffy gym hair is fashion now. Thanks ScarJo.

Wait, frizzy, half-arsed buns are A Thing now? Finally! Now I can explain my everyday work hair as being “Just like Scar-Jo” rather than “Did my hair at 6am, don’t give a fuck how it looks”. I am milking this trend for all that it’s worth.

Hey, she's just being Miiiilll-ey.

Increased Anastasia musings? Shudder.

I was hoping they'd cut out all times someone talks about Ana not eating but then we're down to 4 minutes.

I like to sing this song with alternate lyrics to my dog.

Sienna Miller and her gay husband are adorable!

I watched 27 seconds of this and then said, "I get it." in a disgusted voice aloud to myself.

I know when I first started into my career and we were going through training we talked about topics such as how to handle conflict in the workplace. I remember one of the ways they said to address conflict was to make "I" statements instead of "You" statements. One of the most used examples was "When you do this it

Erm. that's stupid.So, as a reader I am supposed to say

I'm all about letting people take whatever photos they want at a wedding. However, I do think the bride and groom should get a say in what type of info gets published and how broadly. For example, I have friends who, because of their profession, keep their entire online profile as anonymous/non-searchable as possible

The emoticons in that Katy Perry video seriously need to get the fuck off my lawn.

that is the best thing i've read in this entire feed. please tell them that they're amazing.

Some facts about breastfeeding:

Kudos to those two for handling it so well.

The wrongness of this fills me with so much rage I can barely type. Somebody minding their own business, doing something totally, normal, natural and legal and some little jobsworth shit laying down the law with their smug, "can't you see how indecent public breastfeeding is" bullshit. And they just will not listen to

and we will not get our shit together until historically feminine labor is fully recognized and valued and accounted for in the economy.

I live in hope that between technology and feminism, we will eventually reach a point of compatibility as a civilization between professional work and childrearing.