
buyer beware: that second one is a knockoff a zuhair murad design. Meaning if you order it, it will look literally nothing like that. Don't trust ebay, stick with authorized sellers,and always make sure the dress image isn't simply stolen from another website.

I would reccomend very strongly against it. I work, professionally, on shutting down chinese counterfeiting sites. It's harder with actual designer dress knockoffs because you can't trademark a design like that,so it makes it impossible to prosecute. HOWEVER, it's very hit or miss with those chinese dress makers.

My main question is — is Simon Baron-Cohen any relation to Sacha Baron-Cohen?

unsurprisingly, Lindsay Lohan's favorite topic seems to be Lindsay Lohan


Functional question: as a childless female, how do you engage in conversation about child-rearing without infantilizing yourself?

I know that, as a childfree person, I can't seem to escape the mommy wars here on Jezebel.

I want to see the pictures and judge random peoples hotness with my own eyes!

Just. No.


I have to poop after about the first cup of my morning coffee... if I skip coffee I don't feel any need to visit the restroom until like noon. I know I'm not the only one...


i love it. i have HUGE hair. Big, curly, insanely thick hair. i spent my formative years trying to get that poker straight posh spice look, and now my day has come! AHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

  • Megyn Kelly had a baby and named it Thatcher Bray Brunt.

I'm bromoting this bromment, brocause I abbrociate you brofessionalism. I am not some mindless brone that they can just brogram with some broneheadded brommercial pitch!

I don't care either way about beards but can we be done with the whole mustache thing? Especially in photo booths?

I'm guessing it must be a slow day for news.... 2007? Really?

Lol thanks. I wasn't aware how sensitive some folks were over this and now I feel like a troll.

If she survives this virtual hounding will we distrust her? After all, as a survivor, who knows what unscrupulous things she will have done to become one.

What did you do that you’re not talking about? I had the gut instinct that these were villains masquerading as victims who, solely by virtue of surviving (very likely by any means necessary), felt that they had earned the right to be heroes, their basic, animal self-interest dressed up with glorified phrases like