
It's hard to tell with him wearing Betelgeuse pajamas. But there seems to be a bulge as he walked away post-twerk. Though, it appears to be there the whole performance.

I want to dismiss this is as totally superficial and stupid, but then I also wouldn't turn down a nose job or a chin implant, so I suppose that would be incredibly hypocritical. Excuse me while I go practice self-acceptance.

Doubt all you like. I lived in East Africa, and you would be amazed what people will do get a foreigner to leave them alone. And like I said, letting her do it does not open doors to anyone else. What's ok for American women is still not ok for Maasai women, no matter how many American women do it. To them, we're

Mindy went to Kenya on a short humanitarian program after turning in business school apps

Warn a girl to remove mascara before watching this!

This one just got a song stuck in my head. Since I'm generous, I will share it with you. Well, phooey, I meant to select the striped swimsuit ensemble next to this, but I'm too lazy to do it over.

Anyone who has ever ridden the subway can confirm this.


How is it a "social experiment" to date one of your friends for a month and some change? Color me naive, but isn't that called "a regular fucking relationship"?

Just what is your point here?

For serious. I tried on a pair of these "cheeky shorts" at an H&M.

Seriously- who does the header artwork for these articles? This isn't just some oddly specific stock photo service?

I work in a bridal salon selling bridal gowns to brides ( I know, earth shattering) and since part of selling them a dress means assisting them in changing in and out of dresses, I see women in their underwear all day long. I've worked with women of ALL AGES, ALL ETHNICITIES and ALL BODY TYPES and you know what -

Just drank half a bottle of wine and ate half a frozen pizza. It is after 11:00 pm where I live. I did not need this.

I usually proclaim, "Release the Kraken!" when I take off my bra after work.

After a long day at work, freeing the girls is the very first thing I do when I get home. I can do it without taking my shirt off. I am a pro. It's not about turning people on, it's about letting the ladies breathe a little amirite?

I don't even wear pajamas...