
I just don't care about this east coast heat wave. I'm sure it's hot and uncomfortable, but how many times do we need to hear about that on this site? Just how myopic can we get? Seriously, unless the heat is cracking open some deep sea trench and triggering an army of prehistoric jellyfish to inundate the (Pacific)

And according to this definition it doesn't matter how many people you've slept with if your clothes aren't skanky.

something that is supposed to be so natural seems pretty DAMN UNNATURAL to me..my body basically being torn up ehhhhhhhh

Yeah I know, that's why we have the long lasting tradition in western art of The Madonna Taking a Dump, an Saint Peter clipping His Nails.

I found the note on the bill incredibly creepy, like "why is this woman SO invested in whether a stranger breastfeeds over bottle feeding? Is this yet another instance of mothers judging other mothers that runs rampant nowadays and strikes me as woman-on-woman crime, an insidious form of sexism perpetrated by the very

I think there’s a difference between atheists and Internet Atheists. IAs are, it seems to me, mostly young white men just aching to be oppressed by something.

My summer (ok, year round) method of dealing with waist length hair is as follows:

I recently went to get my daughter's hair cut and I brought out a magazine and asked her to pick how she wanted her hair.

In a previous career incarnation I had cause to read and study each and every scientific study ever performed on sucralose (I know! How did I get so lucky!) and I can confirm absolutely that it will not be your (or anyone's) cause of death. Unless perhaps you are buried alive in it.

Diet Dr. Pepper is wonderful, but it is second to...

Please don't lump all of us grays together!

While I mostly agree, there is something to be said for being fluent in "assholeish"

Oh thank God, someone finally gave Barbie leg muscles so she can walk!


Now playing

Well, they looked like the Watford Long John Silver Impersonators out there!

Attention world: If I'm making "bitchface", I assure you, it's not because I'm resting it.

See, now here's the perfect time for those men-are-naturally-superior-to-women types to speak up and demand that guys use their divinely-granted moral turpitude to learn to keep it in their pants instead of blaming rape on the old "but he just couldn't help it" excuse. But that's just crazy talk, right?

I hate to make like Dwight Schrute here but...

They'll only be hiring female pilots for the same reason, I assume.

Nope. If an artist is asked to perform for a private event, there's a full background check. It's absolutely not possible that they didn't know who this dude was. She's sorry she got caught, not sorry for taking money from him.