
Now she's Jenny from the former Soviet Bloc?

I echo Peter. I think it's worth it to reach out to the police (fwiw, I'm a lawyer but I don't specialize in this area) even if they can't help you now. In case anything ever happens, you want as much documentation of his aggression as possible.

The first and simplest step is to document everything he sends you. When I was 25 I would have offered to kick his ass for you. Having grown up some since then my advice is this, take what you have to the Police and ask some one with some experience of dealing with knuckleheads like this what you should do next.

I might be the only one, but spontaneous, uncontrolled orgasms would probably not be very fun - it would border on awful including being extremely disruptive.

So does Harry Styles like:

Most of these are completely adorable and I'd wear them in a heartbeat! I'm actually even ok with the poofy bottoms—I'm sick to death of no bikini bottom ever covering more than like 50% of my ass, so bring on the poofy shorts.

Seriously admiring these lovely pre-photoshop ladies! Nothing needs to be airbrushed, imagine that!!

So much this. At least TRY. I don't really like children, but that is because I do not like annoying, loud things. And this is just how children are. It is their WAY. I certainly do not expect all children to be perfectly behaved at all times, that just isn't how childhood works. But seriously, even an

Maybe it's because I'm not big on kids, or maybe I just meet a lot of shitty parents, but I feel like a lot of kids are assholes. And if there is one thing I absolutely hate is when strangers ask other strangers to discipline their kids. For example:

More like a B.S.! Amirite?

i can't muster a fuck for these people or an article about them. i can, however, muster part of a fuck to write about it.

"whorish face of doomed America" — and Taylor Swift is our spokesperson?! Fellow whores, unite! We can do way better than this!

I did us all the favor of clicking that link. It did not look pleasant.

That's really interesting. I've definitely got that confused when talking to American friends.

For me, the shoes are iconic because they are a juxtaposition (to the environment of the senate and the formal wear she and everyone else in politics has to wear) as well as a symbol of hard work and exertion (she needed to wear them to stand for that long because they helped cushion her feet and helped alleviate her

Because that comment isn't at all rapey. . .

Whitney Cummings is just a rung lower than...who's more obnoxious than her?

More like for the EWW.

Is there incentive to troll this by pining ugly stuff?

Don't you know not to talk sense!