
I hate to leave THAT COMMENT but there is naked tushie in this video.

You used the NASA guy! Love it.

Now playing

I was confused by the AGT video because the content being referenced (the performance of two ADORABLE metal performers) doesn't start until about 2:30.
That said, adorable heavy metal singer is adorable.

Here, have a parrot singing "Let the bodies hit the floor"

Pretty much my reaction to the heavy metal girl

It amazes me that many of the same people who step up to "defend" Paula Deen and claim she shouldn't be fired for being racist are the people who, in any other situation, would defend to the death the rights of private businesses to do whatever they want whenever they want. AKA, FIRE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE PUBLICLY RACIST.

I was right there with you, lady. I will not have a voice tomorrow.

the applause following senator van de putte's objection will stay with me forever. it was a long, emotional, and intensely rewarding day.

That was a very close one. A little too close, what with all the GOP shenanigans.

During the ovation filibuster.

Blame me for Photoshopping quality.

I spent something like 15 hours in the Senate gallery today. I was part of the first crowd in the room and one of the very last few people out of it. I'm surprised I have a voice at the end of that—I screamed more in 13 minutes than I ever did during any Mardi Gras. I scraped skin off my pinkie finger from my ring

No, it tastes like Fruit Stripes Zebra gum after you've chewed it for 3 minutes already, mixed with turpentine, with a dry finish on the palate reminiscent of rubbing alcohol.

I should have a bottle of wine in the basement labeled "Open in Case of Right Wing Rage Emergency"

I literally just got up to grab a spoon and some peanut butter. Because peanut butter avec tears sounded kind of comforting right now.

Wait.. a .... second... I thought it was over? Someone, please explain?

that cheering is awesome


Are we supposed to be able to hear this through the video, or is it just kind of a visual thing goin on?

I'm downright riled. I could be in Austin in an hour. I'm considering it.

I am already drinking.