
port cities!!! I'm not really sure what I am race-wise but it's usually not a huge issue where I come from. BUT I just moved inland to a new city and all of the sudden "what are you?" is one of the most common questions I get and it drives me insane (and anyone who asks me when I say "I don't really know"). I never

so true. It is one of my favorite feelings. I once watched boyfriend try to fumble through a work call post BJ and I felt like the queen of all of the things.

I sometimes get comments and questions about my heritage. I don't really know anything about it despite my efforts to know where I come from so those comments always make me hurt and frustrated. Just something to keep in mind. Not everyone loves the "heritage" conversation.

They sound like scrotumbrains! They'll warm up to you! I like you and I don't even know you. Boyfriend's family thinks I'm a ball of unorganized chaos that makes terrible life decisions (i'm an old student who wants no babies) but I think they are getting used to me at least. And even if they don't as long as he loves

fathers in law are kind of like like brown bears, he's probably more scared of you than you are of him...

I just bought the cover girl on it's actually pretty descent but definitely not that glossy or pink

I actually find her face to be kind of interesting. I feel like I'm the only one on this though. Granted I'm not american so maybe I'm not as exposed to that facial structure.

YES... and eyeshadow please.

since when does malaria cause weight loss?

this article made me feel the same way I did when I was forced to watch the bronze medal round of the local junior high improv olympics.

I dunno, man. I think that's a bad call on the squee section... I mean the monkey's cute but I just came out of that video feeling like I'd watched some weird werner herzog/stanley kubriek short film.

I swear to jebus I was just asking krishna pineapple (who is an awesome awesome source for all of the fitness knowings) about this in an open thread last night.

re: the being wrong grave thing. I am there right now but trying to claw my way out. This whole conversation is so illuminating. Thank you both.

I'm getting that tattooed somewhere visible on my body. That is beautiful.

goddess of fitness pineapple I also require your help... I'm training for physical exam for a job that is pretty physically hard. I usually pump myself up with the regular amount of death metal and ccr but I'm really starting to lose steam. I still have motivation but am completely exhausted at the end of my work out.

I find the whole plan thing freaks me out a bit (commitmentphobe) and for me (introvert) the whole socializing part of an exercise class usually exhausts me more than the exercise part. Just start by getting something excercise-y in during the day. sometimes when I feel too crappy for anything difficult I download a

Everyone needs to go watch the movie "in the loop". everyone.

yeah some of it is admittedly cute but then I saw some suburban teens trying on "gangsta rap made me do it" beanies and I realized this was not a place for olds like me.

Word. I went I there and was instantly reminded of the 2-4-6 store in "mean girls". I mean I fit into everything I tried. It's all pretty 'drape-y' but I think I may be "too old for that shit" because I looked ridiculous. But I don't think they are waging some sort of anti-sizist campaign. I actually think it's kind