a rabbit's opinion

“You want to express an idea, but an internet commenter wants to nitpick your grammar.”

But sometimes your partner doesn’t care if you match their frame. The whole conversation is a solo exercise that you happen to be present for. (That’s pretty common when, say, someone just wants to take out their anger on you, or inappropriately come onto you.) Sometimes you realize you’re the one who doesn’t

And it likely expanded to some other people as well.

And after that tweetstorm, it is probably a very necessary grudge that has expanded to include Picoult and Weiner as well.

One thing I’ve learned from following writers on Twitter is that 99 percent of them, no matter what level of fame they’re at, have Google Alerts on their name.

A Bret Stephens level of fragility is a good place to start.

From her tweets, she seems like the type who very closely monitors the Google Alert she set up for her own name.

The problem with this is the power difference. Bestselling, millionaire authors with large fan bases are attacking an unknown college student and pretending the criticism actually hurts them in any real way. It doesn’t.

Right? Someone has some Google alerts for their name mentions.

how in the world did this writer find out about this article to begin with?

My initial reaction to this is: You should respond to an offer in whatever way serves your best interest, and do whatever you can to preserve or delay giving a reply until you know what all the options are.

Yeah the complaints are completely unwarranted. The mandatory exp share, lack of postgame content, lies surrounding the reason for cutting the roster, cutting of over 50 moves, lack of online trading, and other problems are made up.

No, because I’m an adult and $60 for what is being warmly received - explicitly recalling experiences similar to Red/Blue -and reported as a minimum 40 hour game (not including meta) seems like a solid deal.

Probably because you grew up around one. It’s a nostalgic smell to you. Where for most of the country it’s a rather revolting smell.

Just treat it like last week’s tinder match. Ghost them and act like it never happened. Duh, Lifehacker! /s

You’re one-in-a-million, then.

I call everyone I interview whether they get the job or not. I send a letter to every person that applied.

I think the call and thank you note are both good, though.

Just make sure you really do have that other job in hand before you decline though, like, all your paperwork has been submitted, the background check went through, and you’re showing up on Monday with a company ID card because job offers have been rescinded mid paperwork for another candidate. Every situation is

I like how you’re supposed to be big and gracious about this when a lot of companies won’t even get back to you after an interview. You have to contact them to find out you’re out of the running.